Unsure of the exact username, but a player named "Bunny-" fell in the hole of death and their items are in a chest at the bottom.
Cool night tonight everyone! My second week back at Friday Night Mining! Lets see how many weeks i can go without missing an event!! 1 Question, Who has a screenshot of me getting kicked by MrSocks75 Tonight? (Nothing Bad) Lol.
Yay! Thank you BlackKnight1021 & Luckygreenbird for making FNM happen this week. Looking forward to it!
Great Night! Who all came i hope you accept that MrSocks75 cannot make it to all of these . Look forward to next Friday!!
Ya, it was creeper city tonight. Couldn't tell you how many times I had to bait some away from buildings before attacking.
*Picks up knitting needles* Sorry guys won't be around tonight. I have some, uh, manly stuff planned for this evening. yeah.
*runs in - grabs prepacked mining bag w/boats & heads off to join FNM* Well, I'm hoping that'll happen tonight. If I can just get home from work in time. Hope to see y'all there!