So yeah, people might not have kept voting for you. "against them", still not too clear, sorry. You mean so that it's in their disfavour?
But say you have 4 votes and the person with the second highest amount of votes has 4 as well, then what?
That means I should've thought of a better idea. How about they get +1 vote unless they are in a tie, then it is -1 vote towards them.
I think you should stick to +1. It means it isn't always per say bad for the gifted person, but it's more clear and more interesting, in my opinion.
Winner: Rhyblet (6 votes) Safe: Carbonyx, SkeleTin007, EnderMagic1, nuclearbobomb, NathanRP, Jay2a, Acemox2k Loser: BanditLM (3 votes) Unsafe: Tuqueque, Lomax70, Themoglover, ExExUnderscore, NetherSpecter, Tyron87, AncientTower, LtCaptainMe, LoveAllTrustNone, Rhyblet, Vortixin, Shadow_Dcord, 607 Krampus's 12 Rounds of Christmas Winner: NathanRP, EnderMagic1 (3 votes) Loser: 607, SkeleTin007, AncientTower (2 votes) For the rest of the 12 rounds of Christmas, the losers will be included in the final vote of the 12 rounds of Christmas. Trust me, you do not want to be included. A new conversation with the participants has been started. Good luck!
It bugs me Shadow_Dcord hasn't won yet. I'll vote for him. Hm... on second thought: I'll go for LtCaptainMe.
I'd prefer if I was safer with no votes till I was able to win. Unlike most of you, I have barely any rupees to my name and it would be nice to have some to bid on auctions without losing everything and to at least be able to buy something of note.
Winner: Rhyblet (5 votes) Safe: Carbonyx, SkeleTin007, EnderMagic1, nuclearbobomb, NathanRP, Jay2a, Acemox2k Loser: LtCaptainMe (5 votes) Unsafe: Tuqueque, Lomax70, Themoglover, ExExUnderscore, NetherSpecter, Tyron87, AncientTower, LoveAllTrustNone, Rhyblet, Vortixin, Shadow_Dcord, 607 Krampus's 12 Rounds of Christmas Winner: Themoglover (4 votes) Loser: Shadow_Dcord (3 votes) The tie between Rhyblet and LtCaptainMe was broken with Rhyblet once again winning. How long will this continue?
Uh-oh, I'm not too sure what to do now. Try to get somebody else to win and somebody else to be the first loser, or try to get myself to win?
Sign me up when you want to....I'm game. Ill throw in something special, hmmm, maybe a Liberty Sword?