The Imperial invasion has succesfully created a line of defense. India fights. HARD. The Empire is slowing. This is now a war of attrition. The Empire has lost 25,000 soldiers already, but the Indian populace is supporting them. Phase 2, insurgency. Imperial agents incite rebellion in India. Destabilization and the presentation of the Empire as a benevolent alternative is key to winning easily. The Empire keeps pushing. They've got to gain ground before beginning phase 3, punchthrough. India is not reeling anymore. They have a coherent defense. The Empire's bleeding off, but they have a lot of blood to spare, and India's defensive capability degrades by the day due to bombings of factories.
Swissilia is interested in Trelet's big product. Is it okay if some representatives come over, or perhaps Dunkin' would like to send some samples? Meanwhile, it having been a couple of years since scientists first accepted the Theory of Evolution in Swissilia, many have begun to treat the Bible more loosely in general, seeing especially the Old Testament as more symbolic than historic. The pacifist nature of Swissilia speeds up this process, as there's generally a lot of violence in the Old Testament. Some scientists are doubting whether this violence was conducted on God's order, or rather out of human deficiency. It isn't quite clear yet what consequences these developments will have on society. It seems like many people aren't as religious anymore, and certain rules aren't kept as strictly anymore. Homosexual relationships are still frowned upon. In Austria and parts of Switzerland however, it is now acceptable that women wear trousers. The Italian church is uncertain what to do about this. It has come to their attention however that Sicily and Luxembourg still don't welcome pronounced atheists or Muslims. It is time to do something about that, as religious freedom is important.
We welcome representatives of Swissilia to Trelet. Trelet is establishing a central capital & military base in Worcester, MA. This will take 1 page to complete. After that's complete, we will be establishing 8 smaller military bases. Each of the locations will take 2 posts to build (16 posts for all of them). In 36 posts, all of the locations and the capital will be built.
The Imperial military is observing Trelet's movements closely. It would not do for any one faction to reunite the USA and stand as a superpower matching the sheer resource capability of the Empire. This would create a massive power-balance shift, as currently no one nation matches Imperial potential, no matter how much they may boast or threaten the Empire. The Empire, however is still glad no one has decided to succeed the United States government, although if it came down to it the Empire would likely instigate civil war 2 in the remains of the USA. The Empire is too large to effectively fight in a UKNS-TUN vs HMKX scenario. The Western Empire would likely be able to hold off UKNS on its own, but the lack of coordination between the Eastern and Western Empire might enable TUN to cut the Empire in half. This is concerning, and so the Empire is building naval bases in many Siberian Islands. This will take 10 posts. Imperial missile bunkers are splattered across the Western Empire evenly, and are quite secret. In any case of war, the bunkers would be rendered useless to the UKNS as they would have launched their entire load of missiles.
The Empire has entered a defensive state in the Northern India invasion. They have dug in, and they will not attack. They will let India bleed trying to retake the land, while Imperial soldiers laugh in their fortifications eating good food. Well rested, well fed, and well supplied soldiers will fight better than soldiers starving and slowly using supplies up. Essentially, a tactic where the greater population and quality of the Imperial army is used to deprive them of strength. Meanwhile, the Southern India invasion is a strategy to continuously bleed soldiers through. This will likely cost more soldiers than the entire Northern front put together. This is not a good thing, as it would lower public support for the war. A punchthrough attack will be attempted after India loses most of its production capability. The war is going surprisingly well and according to plan.
Vermont has been successfully taken over. Both sides lost casualties, but in the end, Vermont is in the hands of TUN. United North: 203 dead 892 wounded 15 military vehicles destroyed 2 aircraft destroyed Vermont: 723 dead 1,856 wounded 43 military vehicles destroyed 9 aircraft destroyed TUN initial goal was not to cause death or destruction, and Vermont forces were well notified that this was the motive, and an easy surrender would of been fine. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and Vermont lose more by resisting United North Forces than by surrendering TUN wishes to make Vermont a vital trading and economic stronghold, and to boost manufacturing within the country. No harm is wished to be brought upon the citizens, they will still keep their freedom, although laws will have to be passed onto them TUN also notes that taking over Vermont is in no means an act of future aggression to Trelet, TUN even provides Trelet with medical aid, a few battleships, a few aircraft, and 50 of the newly produced M46 Pattons, along with the T32E2 and Chaffee. This will arrive within 2 posts.
TUN starts construction on military bases and military naval ports on the coast of Alaska near the Bering sea. These will produce and house massive ships that will be able to withstand the freezing weather and thick ice. This will be done in 8 posts. Military ships are also sent to patrol the waters in the Alaskan Peninsula. They are expected to reach the Aleutian Islands in 3 posts.
TUN focuses in creating a huge economy and becoming a trade hotspot. The Forestry and mining industry is boosted, and more workers are sent to the Oil sands. The pipeline is nearly finished, it should produce a ton of clean energy and provide lots for their citizens. Previous U.S states agree that TUN has the best economy in the world, and has the most happiest and well kept citizens. Everyone is well fed, everyone has work, and everyone is happy and glorifies the freedom they have. Major trade deals grow between California and Washington. Washington produces an abundance of crops and livestock, becoming a great place to grow a family, says many Journalists. Michigan has produced a ton of vehicle and machinery parts, becoming a sought out place for people who want work. New York has become a huge economic success, and the driving force of infrastructure and culture. New York city has been seen as "The Land of the American Dream." Huge waves of immigrants come to New York, and although the city is filling up and needing to create way more projects in Brooklyn and the Bronx, New York is a great state. Canada, home of the free, is said to be the safest and happiest place to live. Lots of opportunities for work, and insanely cheap land, it is a great country for anyone who wishes to life a fruitful and fulling life, happy, safe, well fed, and working, along with government benefits. Alaska is a huge successor in the mining industry. People who are looking for instant, well paying work can join these mining projects. Not only that, but hunting is fruitful, and since trophy hunting was prohibited, the wild life there has seen an increase in life. Although, the west coast of Alaska is one place where barely anyone lives, no one there likes The Empire at all, the image of them is that they are "warmongering commies," and everyone there fears to see their flag at their doorstep. Hawaii has become a tourist hotspot, great for people who want a good time and want to live the rest of their lives joyfully. Hawaii has the most retired citizens, although has a great economy. Vermont has no description yet, although citizens seem to be weary of the takeover, and many protest. Overall, the Western media is in high favour of TUN, and The Empire is seen as a big dump, full of starved citizens, cruel laws, and a theocratic form of goverment which many citizens laugh at. The media is in awe of the UKNS, the succession of the UK in the war was insane, and the UK is seen as having a huge military and being a huge economic landpoint. Citizens don't doubt the UKNS could destroy the Empire. Trelet, although a new nation, is received well among citizens. Many enjoy their donuts and great culture.
The western empire was left behind. It’s time to end any and all poverty. The east’s doing fine, but the west has been overlooked for far too long. As soon as India is taken, the Empire must initiate reform for western Russia. After all, it’s what they would want. -Sheep of God. (They, is us. The players themselves. They can see us, and they are trying to procure divine favors from us. It’s... not working.) However, the Empire is not communist. It is a heavily controlled capitalism. There is a difference. This is clear. The Eastern Empire does very well for a lighting reform, with poverty rates only slightly higher than the rest of the world and the air kept clean. The Western Empire is a wholeeee new story. Lotsa starving and death. The Empire worries, and the Democracy takes action. The Theocracy is merely reaffirming it.
Note: Imperial analysts seriously doubt UKNS could even take down the Western Empire with half their cities doused in fallout. However, in a UKNS-TUN vs HMKX scenario, the win-loss ratio is respectively 3:7. This is due to TUN’s navy and the dangers of the Empire being cut in half. That would represent a huge symbolic victory.
They kinda do. They have seen the failures of capitalism, and the even bigger failure of communism. Their solution? Balance. A perfect balance between freedom and restraint.
One last note. The Empire is devoting its entire budget to, 1. Domestic Reform and feeding. 2. Nuclear Weapons/Power Plant technology 3. Missile technology. The Empire is unquestionably the BEST at missiles. They began first and are pouring lots into it.
The UKNS has mustered a force of over 19 million troops. The 18 million who are conscripted are being trained, although the German and British soldiers have been in this position before - last time, they were fighting against eachother. They are fortifying the East German border, as well as the Norwegian and Swedish ones against Finland and Russia. 10 million remain to defend the homeland, while the other 9 million are off to India. Meanwhile, the blockade of Constantinople has now been set up. This is designed to economically cripple Western Russia. The Baltic shipping route is also already completely controlled by the UKNS anyway, so there is no way to go that route and import into Petrograd either. Any ships attempting to go through these routes will be sunk or seized until further notice. The navy has also arrived in the Indian Ocean, and is fully prepared to launch an amphibious assault in Southern India. The UKNS has successfully tested its first nuclear bomb. It strikes with a force equal to the United States's Fat Man bomb. Should it be dropped on, say, Petrograd/St. Petersburg, it will kill over 100,000 people and injure a further at least 200,000 more. The UKNS has delivered a simple ultimatum to the HKMX: Back down from India and enter the negotiating room, or be prepared for all-out war.
The United North will be forced to join in war, should The Empire and the UKNS declare war on each other. An anbundance of Anti-air and high tech anti-missile carriers has gone under production. A whole batch of them should be finished in 5 posts, and they should be delivered all along the west coast of Canada, also the Bering sea. TUN boosts the production of Warships and Destoryers, along with patrol boats. 2 naval ships are sent to Hawaii, along with existing anti missile and anti aircraft carriers. This should take 2 posts. Training camps far north in Canada are being used heavily by the United North Armed Forces. The military is expected to jump from 800,000 forces to 2.5 million in 2 pages. The draft has been brought back, and if a war were to occur the draft would be reenacted. 20 million are seen fit for service.
Trelet asks TUN which one of our exports they want to trade. We are in need of petroleum, which you have. We have recently also had an increase in lobsters coming in. Trelet's military increases wages for military personnel, causing our current 301,000 members to increase to 350,000 members. We have selected 1,000 of our finest to train as pilots. Another 4,000 are being trained for higher roles.