[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Can you clarify what that means? Does that mean the military can attack anywhere instantly?
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  2. NES has succesfully completed antiaircraft guns all along the eastern coast of France.

    We begin moving troops up towards France. Troops stationed in Italy and Greece will remain in their locations.

    We also start the production of multiple platoons of tanks and squads of bombers/fighters. (10 turns)
    NES starts work on replacing all nuclear hydrogen technology we currently have with missiles that contain the same technology. These will likely be carried by our gunboats and submarines. (15 turns for 10 warheads)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  3. We can already do that with our ICBM missiles. The satellites are more WMDs than anything but won't be used as a last resort.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  4. On behalf of the CCM, we request you withdraw troops from Italy.

    So you have space-age WMDs 1953? That seems a bit unreasonable.
    SEPTHEKID and fluffinator09 like this.
  5. The Philippines, Myanmar and Bangladesh have all decided to join the ER. This will be done in 4 posts.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  6. NES must decline. The topic was discussed and approved by many other world leaders. You will see what they are for as time goes on. If you were there for the entire summit you would know :eek:

    We demand you explain what the damages could be from this. How does the satellite work and what does it target?
    SEPTHEKID likes this.

  7. It's 1963.

    That was when they were part of the Pacific Alliance. They no longer are so all troops must be withdrawn from there
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  8. When who was part of the pacific alliance?

    I might add that both Italy and Greece are satellite states and very possibly future members of NES.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  9. It's page 17, therefore 8 1/2 years have passed. The game started in '46, so it would be 1955 at the latest.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  10. The whole two pages per year thing changed. It is one pager per year now.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  11. The SEAA sees the constant land grabbing as a threat to world stability, and requests that it is cut down. Many wars in the past were due to the constant seizure of land, including WW2.

    The SEAA is working on medical research relating to brain diseases. (14 turns)
  12. The CCM has finished the mapping of human genomes.
    It begins studying the anatomy of blister beetles native to Malta. (6 turns)

    As Italy is part of the CCM which in turn is part of the WTO, a strong military presence in the communist state may be seen as an act of aggression by others. The CCM will remain impartial unless advised by the WTO.

    EDIT: fixed something because I derped.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  13. Agreed. The CSM will claim no more land.
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  14. I don't remember Italy becoming owned :p

    Okay, we apologize, but please give us one year to move troops out.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  15. (removed. was ninja'd by the NES)

    The SCAU has troops moving through northern Italy towards the NK. If they are attacked en route, it will be taken as a declaration of war.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  16. They harness solar power from the sun then with it they use magnets, lasers and other forms of technology like this to form a powerful beam. This beam is shot down through the target. The beam will obliterate anything in its path. However the beam itself is slim and small, the biggest destruction is the sudden explosion afterwards.

    I meant before they were claimed. Also; keep up with the alliance map: http://nfell2009.uk/nn2/maps#alliance_map and new nations. GNK already has Greece: http://nfell2009.uk/nn2/nations#glorious_new_kazzohstan

    Pacific Alliance agree. We will not be taking any more land for the time being.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  17. The CCM understands reasons for why troops may have been stationed in Italy and would like to formally announce that nowhere was there any direct aggression towards any party with troops inside territory claimed by us. CCM has virtually no military regardless and any form of attack against the SCAU or occupying NES troops.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  18. The ER has intelligence that suggests New Kalmar has space weapons, even though New Kalmar itself created the space weapon treaty.
    SEPTHEKID and nfell2009 like this.
  19. The SCAU will agree to this and shall not claim anymore land any time soon.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  20. Our intelligence has lead us to believe the USSR is the culprit behind the mall fire from a years back. We also believe that they're heading for a war with us due to their border tightening especially around Mongolia. While Mongolia has no direct relation to the Pacific Alliance, it is a satellite start of the European Commonwealth, who we have found a new relationship for. Due to this the Pacific Alliance has declared war on the USSR and will be attacking straight away.

    Our first move is the use of our fighter jets. These will do random strikes against known military parts of Russia.

    Sebia and the ER will be working together in the war under the Pacific Alliance. Please take note as the whole of the Pacific Alliances resources can be accessed by either me or mba2012.
    SEPTHEKID and mba2012 like this.