[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. After days of wandering, I really hope I'll find some people soon. I don't care what race they are, as long as I can just talk to somebody.
  2. I claw at him.
    Suddenly, he begins to glow slightly purple.
    his body disappears.
    the stuff on the ground glows, and then a bright purple light renders you temporarily blind, before you find yourself in a glass box. you see fabric and falcon feathers in it.
    you find a small hut.
  3. "OH well that's just magical isn't it" I snarl angrily "God knows where he's gone" I grumble "Not that I ever want to see him again anyway"
    I look at Sonaria "Well, what now? We still dont have any money at all"
  4. "well..."
    i look at a safe.
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  5. I knock on its door.

    Out of character, but I hope that I can find a character by somebody else here sooner or later, because I'm kind of having my own story up until now.
  6. "Hello?"
  7. Unexpectedly hearing back a - or so it sounds - human voice makes me realize I didn't really prepare what I would say.
    "Um, hi? I think I'm kind of lost."
  8. "Who are you?"

    all you see are people in cloaks walking around.
  9. (you're in a glass cage)
  10. nothing seems to happen...
  11. I climb up and enter the treehouse. Upon entering, I look around.
  12. I reach forward to open it, but I quickly notice Im still in animal form... I turn back into a human, despite the overall stress and panic I feel. I lay my hand on the (that thing you turn) and put my ear to the front of the safe. After a few minutes, the safe pops open "You learn a lot when you've been alone for most of your life" I say, stepping back slightly to examine the contents
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  13. it looks like someone else has been there, everything seems looted.
    I look in the safe. "Oh my god, there's so much money in here that we could get anything!"
  14. Uh, my name is Sinne. I don't think you know me. I'm not positive though, for I seem to have forgotten a lot.
  15. you hear mumbling.
  16. you see what seems to be a claw on the ground.
  17. I take a nap inside.
  18. Okay.
  19. You wake up.
    It seems like it might help...
    (do you respond or something)
  20. (no)