[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. (plz stahp changin the story, they attack you)
    They attack. One goes for your left, the other goes right.

    that would be nice :)
  2. the other four are still chasing. they surround you, and three more join.
  3. (Either you didn't continue mine, or I've missed it)
  4. "Oh wow wow wow don't hit me with that please", slightly lifting up my hands as if I'm making a stop sign.
    I can confirm that he didn't continue it ;)
    AliceF3 likes this.
  5. (oh. crap.)

    you see a stall that sells weaponry, a stall that sells armor, and one that has animals caged up.
    (once again, oh crap)
    "What's the square root of 16?"
  6. I start to drift towards the caged animals, but I quickly stop myself and go to the armour stall. Priorities
    607 likes this.
  7. Character Name: Porphos
    Character Gender: Male

    Character Class:
    Character Race: Anima
    Character Morality(Lightside, Darkside, Neutral): Neutral (takes side based off of circumstance)
    Character Hometown (CrescentLight, Genesak, Golach): Golach
    Character Appearance (Describe or put picture. If Anima, describe/have a picture of both human and animal forms):
    porphos hero rpg.png
    607 and AliceF3 like this.
  8. Um, 259? No, wait, I think 4.
    porphyrian likes this.
  9. You wake up. there is darkness all around you.
    "a-alright. what is it you wanted?"
  10. (augh dammit)
    You can buy leather armor, chainmail armor, and a magical armor.
  11. I study the magical armour, being careful not to touch it, just in case. I look up to the merchant "What makes it so magical?" I can see a faint glow, but that's really the only abnormal thing about it
  12. the merchant seems awkward.
    "umm... It can deflect... attacks..."
  13. I notice his awkwardness and try to talk at least slightly nicer "Interesting" I stretch my arms in the air "How many attacks does it block, exactly" I place my hand on the armour, running my finger along the chest plate, looking for any dints or scratches
  14. I stumble around and trip over what feels like a box.
  15. "um... It depends how they attack..." you don't notice any marks.
    (please don't change the story)
    you figure out that you're in a small container of some sort.
  16. I knock on the wall and yell to see if someone will hear me.
  17. nothing happens.
  18. I want to stop asking questions, but he's not really providing enough information about the whole thing. I grunt as I remember being tricked by the other guy "Which attacks is it good against?" I ask giving the chestplate a few forceful pokes and taps, causing a pretty satisfying metal noise to ring around the market