[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. (wow i am blind or something) "I could use some help with trying to get some wood, would you like to help with that?
    (et le sonaria return)
    "Only $599.99 plus CBS Sales Tax" I hear a merchant say. I look to where it came from. I see a guy selling animals to Moni.
    "Hey!" I run towards them.
    "Don't buy that." I tell Moni. "Follow me."
    "Listen. That guy's a scamming [INSERT INSULT HERE]."
    "I think we steal what you're trying to buy."
    You see what seems to be a bit of a holy book.
    "Armements 2:9-21 And Saint Attila raised thy hand grenade up on high" [The rest is obscured]
    There might be a grenade around here...

    you find that you can't move your mouth either. You hear a cracking.
  2. I search around the warehouse for the grenade.
  3. I can feel the fox staring at me, still unsure I turn back and throw it an aggressive look, causing it to turn away. I smile "Stealing? Easier said then done really" I explain in a quiet voice "Have you seen those cages?" I roll my shoulders, trying to get more comfortable in the armour

    Edit: I wear armour like this is animal form mmk?
  4. There are 5 boxes.
    B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
    which do you search first?
    I pull out a lockpick. "Easy." I also pull out a knife. "Follow my lead."
  5. (Where did she get all this crap)
    "Ok" I say, watching her carefully
    607 likes this.
  6. (don't ask)
    I walk up to the merchant.
    "Excuse me, could you come over here a sec?" I ask
    He follows me.
    I turn and claw him.
    "Let's Go."
  7. B4
  8. it's empty.
  9. I open B2
  10. There's a large pile of stuff.
    You hear noises.
  11. I search through the stuff and organize it.
  12. I wait to see what happens.:(:confused::cool:
  13. you find a plank, about 300 plastic balls, and a doll. You hear the noises getting louder.
    You feel a sharp pain in your foot. you feel something sliding off you.
  14. As it slides off, I start to wonder what is happening.:eek:
  15. you hear screaming
  16. I spread the plastic balls all over the floor, hide behind a crate, and draw my knife.
  17. I use magic to incinerate what ever is holding me down.
  18. A man walks in.

    (you can't incinerate things with necromancy...)
    you begin to see light...
  19. I watch him carefully and prepare to strike.
  20. Well, I could try... In my opinion I'm pretty much worthless, but when you tell me what to do, there's a chance that I can do something...