[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. He walks by you...
    "alright, follow me."
    they lead you to some woods. "Take this hatchet. Now chop these blocks of wood into smaller pieces."
    they all attack from all directions. more join.
  2. I wait for him to leave or do something.
  3. he looks inside a box. "hmm, this wasn't here before..."
  4. I creep behind him and hold him at knife point.
  5. (Kill or seriously harm count: 3)
    I quickly whip around to see if anyone saw, but surprisingly enough nobody seems to be paying much attention to us. I follow Sonaria "Come on, girl" I say, impatient "We need to release those animals"

    (Changing my mind, taking both the fox and the tiger)
    princebee likes this.

  6. As I begin to be able to see, I jump up in a blocking position. While I wait for any blows, I begin to prepare a heatwave from my mouth. (Don't ask, I have permission.)
    What it will look like, but MUCH less powerful
  7. "AAAAAA" He screams
    "alright, let's go." I take the falcon and wolf.
    you see some miners. they're screaming because they just found a person in the rock.

  8. As I take in the surroundings, I begin searching for bones and other previously alive objects to re-animate.(make them my undead slaves.)
  9. I explain to him that I don't know what I am doing here, but if he tells me what this place is, what is going on, and stays quiet I won't gut him.
  10. I scoop up the fox under my arm as it bites me, but I ignore it. I glance at the tiger "Come on. Staying here wont be good for you" I start to run with Sonaria "But stay here if you want to be caged again" it hesitates before running with me. I call after Sonaria "Where are we going?!"
  11. you don't notice anything. the miners run away.
    "I-i-i-i" he stutters.
    you hear a noise behind you.
    "Anywhere. We jsut need to get out."
  12. We both stop and looks around "There" I say, pointing to a large gate leading into the forest. I start running for it
  13. I follow.
    "where do you think we should go?"
  14. I slow down slightly "I don't know, maybe into the forest to set up camp and sort out these animals..." I gesture towards the fox still trying to gnaw my arm off. I glare at Sonaria as we stroll into the forest "I swear if this thing rips my jacket you're repairing it"
  15. "Yeah, okay. I'll try to."
    I wonder if I have enough force for such a thing though..
  16. "hey, you took teh fox, not me"
    "wait... I just thought of something. back in CrescentLight. There's a port. I know of an island a little ways away..."
    It turns out that wood is pretty easy to chop and it takes not much time.
    The guy pays you. He gives you $10.00.
  17. I scowl at her "I didn't expect it to be such a dick" The fox bites me again "Stop biting me! I saved your life!" I clam down, realizing how bad of an impression I'm making on the animals "Ok, let's go back. But if that scamming bastard finds us we're dead" I turn back towards CresentLight "Wait" I stop "How are we going to get a fox, a tiger, a wolf and a falcon on a boat without attracting too much attention?"
  18. "Hey, thanks! It felt great to finally be able to do something useful again!"
  19. "have you noticed that there was a person selling them in the first place? We just pretend we bought one from him."
    "no problem. If you want to do some more stuff, go to the city, it's a good place to go"
  20. (I'm keeping both the fox and the tiger, you can boop your falcon and wolf into the void if you like)
    "Oh, alright then" I follow her into CresentLight