[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. (not too long, you were in the forest near it. probably about 30 minutes)
    There is a large wall. You notice a bridge across the river running around the city.
    (thank you for that last thing)
  2. I practically fall down, glad to rest for a while. I look over to the tiger and fox "You guys can go, I doubt you'll get captured again here" but they just sat and stared at me "Fine, have it your way"
    I cleared away quite a large circle to make a decent place for all of us to sleep
  3. in the morning, we begin to move towards the city.
  4. (I was hoping for a night scene, but alright)
    "Sonaria?" I say "What's this city like?"
    I hear a rustling, and whispering. "Moni? is that you?"
    I look and see Moni sleeping.
    i whisper to Moni. "wake up"
    "wake up"
    "waaaake uppppp"
    you see a wall in the distance.
    they only seem to be coming from one side, and you could probably get to that wall without too much trouble.
  6. I yawn "G.... Go away...." I sit up and rub my eyes "W-What's going on Soni?"

    (That's your nickname, deal with it)
    princebee likes this.
  7. I prepare for a visitor, and tell him to shut his mouth.
  8. It's funny how people can't change the story, but Alice can :p
    "Wow, this looks like quite a big city. I better be prepared.. I'll probably mess up anyway though." I look for a way to get in.
  9. ((I don't change it much. I only really asked for a scene there instead of just skipping to morning. I do try and follow on from what Prince says
  10. I meant it more like this for example.
    Of course I don't mind, because it makes the story much more interesting.
    AliceF3 likes this.
    "There... are... people... shush"
    you notice a path far away. the wall is made out of concrete.
    as the visitor enters, you hear screaming and shouting.
    (shush, i actually didn't notice that, and I usually notice when they change something that I had something planned)
    There is a gate with a guard in front.
  12. I get ready to attack
  13. They come down holding a sword. "HELLO? WHO'S THERE?"
    you see a guard stationed at a gate.
  14. I say who are you people where am I and what am I doing here.
  15. Character Name: Neve
    Gender: Feminine
    Race: Anima
    Mortal: Light
    Class: Beauty queen
    City: Crescent Light

    An RPG ver. of this


  16. They don't answer your questions. They pull out guns, and tell you to put your hands above your head.
    Beauty Queen isn't a class.
    The Alternative image is broken.
    607 likes this.
  17. I walk up to the gate. "Good <insert time of the day here>."
  18. Guns? I use the man in front of me as a shield and ask the questions again and state that I mean no harm and that I woke up randomly in a crate.
  19. (don't ask) "GET YOUR HANDS. ON YOUR HEAD."
  20. I put my hands on my head and say, "Ok! Ok! Chill out man! :D