[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. I pick it up and put it on my back. I follow the way the miners went.
  2. "Now Get Down!"
    You find yourself in a cave. there are 2 paths. do you take the left one, or the right one?
  3. I get down, but I prepare for an attack secretly.
  4. I'll be enchanter for class then


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  5. They walk up to put handcuffs on you, still with their gun pointed at you.
    You wake up. There is a blindfold over your eyes and your arms are bound. You feel rocking.
  6. Just one question. How many of them are there?
  7. I slowly sit up and look around "What?" I hear the same footsteps as Sonaria "oh" I whisper, trying to see where they're coming from. I crouch down, becoming a wolf
  8. I turn. I look around. I attack. 2 attack Moni, as I claw 2 others. another comes. I claw him. he falls.
  9. I bite the closest of my attackers in the arm and shake my head around. (S)he screams and runs. I growl and run at the other
  10. The right path. Note: Dragon is smaller then in the pic, its about the size of a human.
    Inventory: Clothing, pickaxe.
  11. Ohfo

  12. I attack all the remaining.
    "aughh... aughhhh... Come, we should move..."
  13. You arrive at an entrance to the cave.
    You wake up in a cell. There is a warden sitting a little ways away.
  14. wait i didn't respond to this? 2
  15. kk I let him put the handcuffs on.
  16. They bring you to a cell. There is a male elf there as well.
  17. I wait for them to leave so I can talk to the elf.
  18. I nod, pick up my fox and start running "Which way?!" I shout
  19. oh forgot i have stubble black hair fair skin.
    I say "What happened? Why am I in this place? Last thing i remember..." My voice trailed off. "Who are you guys, anyway?"
    I can make the people leave or disappear per request...