Well, I go outside, looking for a way to get food. Wait, was there already something inside the bag before I put the sphere in?
I look an Sonaria as she nods at me "We can do it if you like" I leave out the fact that we want money in return, but I do shoot him an expectant look of getting money afterwards
I nervously look around, this guy is a total stranger, who knows what he's like.... He abruptly turns as if he could read my mind, I flinch slightly as he opens a door or on the floor "Down there" I look down "What do you need out of there?"
"Why did he..close it?" I walk over in the general direction of the door and feel around for the handle
I furiously bang on the door "YOU CRAZY MAN. LET US OUT OF HERE" I slump down in front of the door, in wolf form by the time I reach the floor "...Well at least I can see better now" I get up and look around again "Sonaria? Can you even see that stupid box anywhere?"