[Forum Game] Fortunately; Unfortunately

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Unoski, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. Fortunately, he was brought back at the hospital.

    Also shyguy quit trying to make the misfortunes death, your just agervating people doing this. We want the game to continue not to end!
  2. Unfortunately, the hospital building collapsed while Jack was in the building.
  3. I forgot this was about jack. I thought we changed to his brother or something. :confused:

    Fortunately, Superman flew into the hospital and saved Jack.
  4. Unfortunately: Superman dropped him in a lion cage.
  5. Fortunately, the lions viewed him as their master and obeyed him
  6. Unfortunately jack is allergic to cats
  7. Fortunately, Jack was a bad person.
  8. Unfortunately he did good and he will be remembered
  9. Fortunately he had a kid named "BTOB" or Bob the original bob, but everyone called him "BTOB"
  10. Unfortunately, BTOB became a drug dealer.
  11. fortunately the cops found out and stopped the drug dealing company he was part of
  12. Unfortunately the cops where actually drug dealers.
  13. Fortunately Jack's Wife Jill, woke up from this very weird dream in time to make breakfast for her whole family, (no one was was dead or missing). :D
  14. unfortunately there was no food so she had to go to the mall to get some
  15. Fortunately, there was a sale.
  16. Unfortunately, all they had left was hot sauce and sour cream.
    607 likes this.
  17. Fortunately, They found cereal in the cellar.
  18. Unfortunately, Jack & Jill had a rat problem in their cellar so the cereal was covered with rat poisoning.
  19. Fortunately, the rats were edible.
  20. Unfortunatly, the rats were contaminated by the poison.