Forge or Fabric?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by fighter_Ethan, Jul 21, 2020.


Forge or Fabric?

Poll closed Jul 28, 2020.
Forge 6 vote(s) 37.5%
Fabric 8 vote(s) 50.0%
Neither 2 vote(s) 12.5%
  1. A chat ingame got me wondering... is Forge or Fabric more popular among EMC players? Let's see!
  2. It's fabric for me:
    1: it has many of the mods made by scicrafters, like litematica, minihud and carpet.
    2: from a technical perspective, fabric is better for mod makers: it gives a lot more power over the game and allows for much greater complexity:
    3: forge has some problems with it having been bought by large companies who try to make money out of it, making some parts of it a lot less usefull. (I have never experienced this myself; I've just heard from other people, who tried to remain on forge after fabic came out, that it was an issue.)
    607 likes this.
  3. Both,

    They both have two different mod communities so I have to use MultiMC to change between them. More annoying that the two communities can't work together and make something universal.
    607 likes this.
  4. I usually just use a steamer to get out the wrinkles.
    Egeau, 607 and Bunjimon348 like this.
  5. Btw forge is merging
  6. Fabric all of the way all of the time :D
    fighter_Ethan likes this.
  7. I've used Forge for so many years, which is why it's sad to say but in 1.15.2 era-Minecraft, Fabric is just so much better. I will cherish the legacy Forge has. However, in the end, Replay Mod (the greatest mod ever created for Minecraft hands down no questions asked) requires Fabric. Which automatically makes it best.
  8. took me a minute to figure out what this was talking about, I thought it was some sort of ancient riddle or something and I got excited
    I don't use mods that much for minecraft so I use forge about once every update when I want to use worldedit. I've honestly never heard of fabric.
    607 likes this.
  9. I haven't heard much of Fabric either, which is not surprising considering I haven't looked into mods for many years. However, I'm glad to hear there's an alternative now. :p I remember trying out Forge and not liking having to deal with some of the Curse stuff. I see Curse later got bought by Twitch, that might have made it even worse. :p I am inclined to think that way, considering what Egeau mentioned.
    Egeau likes this.
  10. fabric is what i use now since most of the mods i use decided to convert to fabric after 1.13
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  11. I changed from Forge to Fabric today. Prior to this evening I had never even heard of it before; I'll see how it goes.
    607, TuckerAmbr and wafflecoffee like this.
  12. Fabric has everything forge has to offer and more. With mods like Mod menu. Mod menu is better then forges installerd mod menu. Forge does has a built in API which I would love fabric to have. How the average player they are the same. Beacuse all you need to do is click a file and boom to goes straight to your MC launcher. And you just simply open the mods folder and drag the file you want.
  13. Sodium. That will soon be replacing Optifine. :)
    607, Impulsive_Egg and Bunjimon348 like this.
  14. Na
    TomvanWijnen, Egeau and wafflecoffee like this.
  15. I laughed harder at this than I should have
    Impulsive_Egg and Joy_the_Miner like this.