Find Your Match!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Roarings, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. Ur not looking for match darn lucky guy.........
    (I love u as a friend)
    TBird1128 likes this.
  2. Shh, if you don't reveal the secret she might not know

    Also got no notifications for this because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Nah mate.
  4. I wonder if any "marriages" will come of this. Yet again all they need to do is send a Marriage Fish through mail to somebody.
  5. I have not had any luck

    did i get it

    are you proud mom
    HannahEB likes this.
  7. 607 likes this.
  8. but is mom proud
  9. Lol yep
  10. i'm going to discard my post here:(. i don't think ill find it; i have been rejected twice....
    no_thing likes this.
  11. dont feel bad callum you just havnt found the right match yet
  12. Eh, why not.

    IGN: Rhythmically/Michael

    Fav activity: Either pester the nub or build farms

    Biography: Uh, I play way too much Minecraft, I love to sleep, hate school, love my dog, don't completely suck at tennis, occasionally read, hate english/spanish and like math/science, I can art, might want to do some sort of graphic art with my life, will eat any sort of chocolate, subscribe to the theory that everything tastes better with melted cheese, and like cream cheese way too much.

    Dream match: T1
  13. Yo get used to it :p boys oftenly get rejected
    CallumDAKing likes this.
  14. *cough* I'm still single *cough*
    AncientTower likes this.
  15. So many smiley faces! :eek:
    Megumin_x, Candlewax and AncientTower like this.
  16. :)
    Candlewax likes this.
  17. I forgot to add to my post -- PM Me if you would like to chat! <3