Final Drop Party (500k+)

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by BussGIL, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. Gah, beat me to it, lol. ;)
  2. its, 6:00
  3. I'm gonna report this thread 'cause of the scamming rules.
    Not that I think Buss is scamming but it falls under it *.*
  4. I'm at the DP and I'm getting all of the items. :)

    BussGIL and DubChef like this.
  5. Woah Diamond! From my own chest...Throwing it at myself...Mad DP...
    georgeashington and Ultimamaxx like this.
  6. I don't think we should jump on his necks necessarily. There may be a valid reason why he is late, if not not doing it.
    607 likes this.
  7. Well, according to the mods, there is nothing in the rules against this and BussGIL is free to not say anything about this at all.

    EDIT: as well as never host the drop party
  8. maybe he is still at school? And late?
  9. look at all the stuff i got from buss'es drop party
    georgeashington and Ultimamaxx like this.
  10. I'll buy everything from you for 1k =P
  11. where was it
  12. he's just showing all his promos
    607 likes this.
  13. could i have a ham hacker plz plz plz
  14. oh nvm then
  15. well, not all of them, but a full dc of them
    607 and Ultimamaxx like this.
  16. ooooh look what I got from the drop party!
  17. How many of those are actually bonus chests and not just random chests you put in there?
  18. what are bonus chests?
  19. these "look what i got" comments
    are ever-more less amusing...
    georgeashington likes this.