Special Thanks: Eviltoade - Donated Magical Eggcelent Wand, Cupid's Bundle, Cupid's Bow, 64 Cupid's Arrows, and Haunted Halloween Mask! He also expanded the server allowing for many more people to be able to attend the Drop Party!ivanivanchenchen - Helping me set up everything for the Drop Party!Congrats to OriginalScuf on winning the DC of Enchanted Books.
Thank You, BussGIL. Thanks for the awesome DP that you created. It was very fun and I got 1 promo! Here are some crazy screenshots I took of the party. Everyone staring up at BussGIL for the promos, Winner of the DC of enchanted books: OrginalScuf Great party loads of fun! I am suprised the server didn't crash with 80 players on. So once again, Thanks! #StoneSwordDP