[EVENT] Moople's Firefloor

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by MoreMoople, Aug 17, 2019.

  1. We had a surprise Fire Floor! We started with the traditional three rounds. Congratulations to the winners: Lomax70, Sefl, and farmerguyson. While Lomax70 came very close, there were no LBS winners tonight.

    We followed that with a few PvP rounds with varying states of PvP being enabled.

    Thank you to everyone that did show! It was a very quaint evening.
  2. Thank you for hosting FF jaqque and thank you for mailing the prize. :)
    UltiPig and MoreMoople like this.
  3. Hey everyone! FireFloor this week is being moved to Sunday, November 27th. I'm traveling all day Saturday. See you there! :D
    jaqque, We3_MPO, KatydidBuild and 4 others like this.
  4. Hey everyone! I am working backstage in The Nutcracker multiple nights this week, and on the other night I am performing in a different winter show. It's also finals season for many people, so I don't want to distract you all with a late event in the middle of the week.

    I will not be hosting any events this week, but I hope to see you all next week! :D
  5. Very good, Moops! :+1:
    MoreMoople likes this.
  6. Hmm...
    MoreMoople likes this.
  7. This week, FireFloor will take place on Friday at 4PM EMC time. See you all there! :D
  8. While Yix was afk'ing ..

  9. It's the all-powerful dragonferret
  10. FireFloor? :eek: FireFloor! >:)
  11. Watch out for the 1 block holes - they're much more dangerous than the large areas where the entire floor has fallen out!
  12. Hey all! Sorry I wasn't around at 10:30pm this evening -- I ended up getting back from a party with my ballet company a bit later than expected. I'll go ahead and host FireFloor Sunday evening instead, as I know it's starting to get late. I hope you all had a wonderful day, and I'll see you tomorrow!
    ultipig, farmerguyson and Tuqueque like this.