[EVENT] Day of Chance - FistFight!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by MoreMoople, Aug 1, 2020.

  1. Today's Event: FistFight!
    Your Host: MoreMoople
    When: December 30th at 9:00 PM EMC time
    Where: /games

    Day of Chance, coming soon to a server near you! Join us weekly for a variety of fun events, including Mob Arena, Fistfight, Netherspleef, and more! Each week's event will be decided by rolling a die with a number assigned to each event.

    Voice chat may by used during the events. Join the Discord at discord.emc.gs!
    jrm531, ToddV, liamwill and 21 others like this.
  2. To get this rolling, here is the event lineup:
    1. Fistfight - /games
    2. Netherspleef - /games
    3. Mob Arena - /games
    4. Firefloor - /games
    5. Ocean Explorers - Location announced before event
    6. PvP (Murder that Moople!) - /games SMP PvP
    7. Harvest Day - /utopia /v harvestday
    8. Funday Festival - /smp3 /fun or Funland on /games
    9. Tunnel of Love - /utopia /v tunnel_of_love
    10. TNT RUN - /games
    11. Art Class - /utopia /v artclass
    Tuqueque, Clockface, liamwill and 4 others like this.
  3. Woot Woot! :D
    Tuqueque and MoreMoople like this.
  4. rip my ears,

    Wont be able to make it sadly, but hopefully next time!
  5. You are totally welcome
    Tuqueque, Bunjimon and MoreMoople like this.
  6. Time to bring my skills and put them to the test again.
    Tuqueque and MoreMoople like this.
  7. Of course Moople is doing another event that lets her cause more chaos and death upon us puny mortals. xD
    ...MoreMoople events
    That was completely unintentional I swear
    Tuqueque and MoreMoople like this.
  9. Mobarena is absolutely worth staying up until 4 am for.
    Tuqueque and MoreMoople like this.
  10. Is this today?
    Tuqueque and MoreMoople like this.
  11. Yes, this is today :)
    Tuqueque and TomvanWijnen like this.
  12. :D maybe it would be a good idea to also list the day/date, so in times like this it is more clear (because it was posted before midnight EMC time).
    Tuqueque, MoreMoople and triphora like this.
  13. Thank you all for coming! :D This week's event was Mob Arena, and we had a total of 4 rounds. 2 normal rounds, 1 no item round, and 1 boss arena round. Keep an eye out for next week's event! ;)
    Tuqueque and triphora like this.
  14. I enjoyed watching Jewel_King punch a wither boss
  15. After discussion with Krysyy, "Moople's Marvelous Mayhem" has become "Day of Chance" ;)

    What does that mean?
    We're raising the stakes... Each potential event will be assigned a number, and the next event is determined by rolling a die. :D

    To get this rolling, here is the event lineup:
    1. Fistfight
    2. Netherspleef
    3. Mob Arena
    4. Firefloor
    5. Ocean Explorers
    6. PvP (Murder that Moople!)

    In the future I'll do short videos to announce the event, but the next event is... *drumroll*


  16. Okay we get it Jewel! You're good at netherspleef! No need to brag so much about it. :p

  17. Aside from Netherspleef deciding to spam us, all went well! We played four rounds of Netherspleef today. Keep an eye out for next week's event! :D
  18. will they all be on sundays?
    Tuqueque and MoreMoople like this.