[EULA] Mojang Supporter Changes Discussion

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Gibabyte, Jun 5, 2014.

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  1. There could be a million signatures, but change.org does not automatically get results. They know how people feel about this. They know the repercussions. A bunch of people saying 'We don't like it!' when they know you don't and even know why, BEFORE they release it, will not make it change.
    MrUnknownian and 607 like this.
  2. Well this sucks
  3. i guess its time to go diamond and claim my res before this happens
    battmeghs and tedrocker like this.
  4. this mean good buy to extra res, incomg derlict protection ....... tnt being limited. to tired to list the rest off.
  5. I am interested to see what Aikar has to say about this.
  6. nah.. all of those things are STILL doable.. just not with money. Say you only used Rupees, or Tokens, things you can ONLY get from playing the game, and there is absolutely no way they can get the currency from money, you can have your players purchase those perks with the in game currencies.

    You can still do EVERYTHING you would have done before. Just have to change how you make money.
  7. I was reading through that and was looking at their Twitter. Grumm seems like a jerk, but then again he now has tons of people raging at him over Twitter and whatever else so I imagine he's pretty stressed. This also has people raging at other Mojang employees who were even all for servers doing the money thing. I would like to see minecraft servers not shut down, but I feel so many people are gonna freak out and stop running their servers in fear they're gonna do something to get in trouble with Mojang. Bukkit plugins shouldn't be affected because they state you aren't allowed to exchange money for them etc.

    From what I understand supposedly, all this stuff is in their EULA, but they're only now enforcing it. I'm not entirely understanding everything because there's not one "Ok this is what's gonna happen" post. So many people posting "This is gonna happen" and someone coming along 'No this is what's gonna happen." So I'm just going by what Smooch says and little bits I have read.
  8. At one point Mojang made it illegal for plugins to even exist. I don't see these terms sticking for long at all. They make mistakes, the community will speak and get things right.
  9. Haha.. right with you there. And just to clarify.. Grumm is a jerk ;). he doesnt hide it. BUT like my very first post said, this does not mean the END of anything. My last post is the perfect work around. Remove money from the equation, then work from there. Yeah... that money needs to exist for things to happen. BUT, the idea is now, how to make that money without breaching?

    Like you said, this was ALL in the EULA before, but the EULA was created for no other purpose than:

    "We have a EULA now, because apparently that is required" - Notch

    It was NEVER meant to be enforced in the way that Grumm has indicated it will. In the reddit thread linked, grum even replies, admits to posting stuff about Mineplex, AND completely avoids the conversation around everything else.

    Like I said.. not the death of anything. But those massive server networks that exist and just pile up money because of the perks they offer, the bonuses they 'make up'... this hurts them. EMC is easily in a position to comply, as no real game breaking things are implemented. I remember Aikar's original pitch was for Credits/Tokens to take away how traditional supportership works anyways... yeah this makes its harder for servers to make money, and in turn, harder to upgrade/maintain. However, someone will figure out the 'system' of how to make money off of it compliance, and all will be as it were.
  10. Yeah I saw him being a jerk on a few posts. I just hate how because he chose to be a jerk, other Mojang staff are getting Flack for it. Also the stuff about Mineplex is a bit douchey.

    Sonic and I were trying to figure how EMC would go about offering supporter stuff as well as being able to keep the servers up. Tokens or Rupees or whatever would be the only thing able to be used for perks but, how would the money be sent/donated to keep the servers up? Because that would be a massive amount Aikar would have to pay.

    I mentioned the thing about servers possibly shutting down (don't worry guys, I'm not saying EMC specifically) because a few server hosts/people from host companies mentioned it in that thread. They said they felt like it would scare some owners into dropping their servers due to being afraid of getting in trouble.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  11. No doubt with this it would remove just ANYBODY starting a server. Thats for sure. Some people who would fall into that group and do not have the ingenuity to find a work around, then they will probably drop out. But, the giants, the semi-populars (emc is in that group, only because.. I mean look at Hypixel's numbers), if they just focus on finding that magical thing they have to do make money again, they can. First thing you would probably notice is more ad space or ad real estate. What I would do, is focus on adding benefits on the site (where your supporters would be visiting anyways) and giving supporter specific access to certain features. Say that you were able to customize your page, view your stats, enable you to be in a running for leaderboard (they would be limited based of supporter) Once you leave the game environment you can do whatever. You can take the data coming from MC and use it any way you wish minus modifying it, touching it with money, and sending it back in.

    Consider that I am REALLY into TEXP, and then there is a weekly reward for TEXP leaderboard holders, but the only way to be able to be placed on the leaderboard, is to be a supporter. There ARE loop-holes. There ARE ways to do it. It just forces those people that have been ... less creative... to be a little bit more so now. Honestly, I do not think it is ALL bad. Especially these next few months while people try and figure out what to do. You will see a lot of 'just getting by' kind of servers leave, and those that stay, your experience will vary even greater than it did before, because you are met with a different experience at the site level.
    MrUnknownian and PandasEatRamen like this.
  12. I respectfully request a update on information from Aikar....

    Also, this happened to line up with the release of minecraft realms.... which we all know is pft.
  13. I hope Aikar just ignores the new EULA and continues as normal. I don't think EMC will be targeted by Mojang lawyers because "pay to win" isn't an issue on this server.
  14. No itll be the same as per the release of minecraft realms they need to focus the income for servers to them.
  15. Wouldn't be smart to do. If they decided to come after servers who choose to ignore it, they could be charged in court.

    They aren't upset at "pay to win", they're upset at "pay to anything".
  16. You keep playing as normal until you get a cease and desist letter, then you stop. They will probably not pursue legal action if you stop after being told not to. Probably.

    Mojang would be stupid to sue every single server in violation of the EULA. They’ll go after the big ones that are truely “pay to win” for sure, but servers like Empire may be left alone. I hope.
  17. Well, the problem with that, is they are giving you a pre-warning. If you try to install 1.8 server it won't let you until you change a setting to 'true' which validates you read and agreed with their terms. From what I HEARD (not sure) they're already preparing legal teams for this to happen.
    MrUnknownian likes this.

  18. Most likely any legal action taken will be in the form of cease and desist letters. Mojang would look like a bunch of giant a^%$#^&s if they just tried to sue just to seek monetary compensation from every single server that is not in compliance of the EULA. Cease and desist letters gets the job done. And when the c&ds are violated, it makes it easier for the suing party to win lawsuits (where it’s harder to win just suing the offending party right from the beginning).

    Also, i’m not a lawyer
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  19. Also before we continue further on this discussion, can a staff member correct the "illigal" to Illegal. Its driving me absolutely nuts with my OCD bouncing off the walls.
  20. I forget where I saw it, but Notch supports these changes.
    Twitch1 likes this.
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