Empire Custom Mobs: Difficulty Survey

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, Dec 19, 2013.


Lower difficulty of Enraged and Minibosses

Do not lower it at all, it would upset me a lot. 107 vote(s) 33.2%
Reduce by 25% (Both) 58 vote(s) 18.0%
Reduce by 50% (Both) 32 vote(s) 9.9%
Reduce by 75% (Both) 20 vote(s) 6.2%
Reduce Enraged by 25%, Minibosses by 40% 30 vote(s) 9.3%
Reduce Enraged by 50%, Minibosses by 70% 14 vote(s) 4.3%
Reduce Enraged by 75%, Minibosses by 90% 15 vote(s) 4.7%
Reduce Minibosses only by 25% 36 vote(s) 11.2%
Reduce Minibosses only by 55% 8 vote(s) 2.5%
Reduce Minibosses only by 75% 2 vote(s) 0.6%
  1. If I didn't have as much supplies and equipment ready, it would be very discouraging when getting killed by an enraged mobs, as they can sometimes fall on you while exploring and get a few cheap hits b-4 I can get them. I would die a lot more if it wasn't for having full diamond enchanted armor, which most newesh people don't have multiple sets of.

    Also, I can't seem to kill momentus in any reasonable amount of time. Giving him more energy and less attack strength would make it more fun for me. The soul bound turkey slicer should make my next encounter a little less one sided.
  2. i think the big problem is how quickly momentus can pull you, ive fought him a few times where he has pulled me like three times when im trying to get away to heal. maybe if you made the pull from shooting with a bow a percentage change and the proximity pull less frequent he wouldnt dominate so many newer players.his pull distance could be reduced slightly as well, one time i was just minding my own business walking through the waste (not realizing someone was fighting one nearby) and they got pulled in as well as me. i ended up killing it tho :)

    first time players should be able to get close, get pulled see how much dmg he does then say hang that and run away if need be or engage if they choose. instead its like get pulled get down to one heart try to run, get pulled again, dead. of and he has a nasty habit of pulling you underground where you suffocate and your stuff dissapears
  3. Ok I've got some minor tweaks in for next update, reduced enraged zombies speed, reduced momentuses damage (still very high, but 24 instead of 36)

    So not really "nerfed", but change some mechanics and should help alleviate some of the concerns listed here.
  4. I still don't really worry about it. I am happy about momentus but why the other mobs? you can still outrun them and I run into very few of them when exploring the SMP4 wild. I would maybe suggest something instead like no enraged mobs in the wastelands (but keep normal mobs) and still have them in the wild for the more adventurous people
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  5. Maybe a reduced spawn rate in wastelands... but I would def want another survey before we removed it completely or reduced spawns from wastelands... I'm sure that would upset many people still.
    Olaf_C likes this.
  6. I just want enraged zombies and the mini-bosses slightly easier
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  7. what if there were the same likelihood of bosses but less of enraged? dont got little fireballs running around in the tunnels
    Olaf_C likes this.
  8. I really like the idea that mini-boses won't attack or draw me in unless I attack them.

    That gives both groups of people a way to get what they prefer, and maybe I can someday have a pet giant :).
    jrm531 likes this.
  9. It's also worth pointing out that about half (or more) of the people who are voting against change are only doing so because they've learned to completely avoid enraged mobs, only to their collective detriment. Things like
    shouldn't be happening. It's unfair to the players. Veteran Members might check the forums during this period, but for new members? They might never come back.
    M4nic_M1ner and cddm95ace like this.
  10. How about reducing the difficulty of the minibosses and enraged a little bit but just on the wilderness?
  11. You may be right, but I use whatever legal methods I can to play games and logging off is perfectly legal. Burying yourself, spending a short time building a small stone enclosure, or building noob towers are alternatives to logging off, but I could never really see the advantage to staying on the game while holed up for the night.

    Speaking of new members, ideally it would be great if the game could get progressively more difficult the longer you've been a member but I doubt that's possible. So somehow we must strike a balance between the new people who want minimal threats while exploring/mining the wild and veteran players who want more challenge and greater rewards. I agree with you completely that we want the new folks to keep returning but we don't want the veterans to get bored and move on either.

    [edit] Oh, the other thing I like to do is build a small house and dig down and mine during the night while placing a bunch of torches. That way I can keep playing and stay productive without having to fight mobs at all. If I'm properly outfitted with a good sword and armor, then I usually go out and face whatever's out there. That's how you collect the good loot (after sleeping in a bed, of course, so you can easily collect your dropped items when you're inevitably killed).
    BevK56, Pab10S and cadgamer101 like this.
  12. :mad: "Do not lower it at all, it would upset me a lot." :mad:

    :p I still think the mobs are too friendly. :p
  13. I love them, when I see one I go "gonna go chop off a monster's head and use its remains to make diamonds!" I stop whatever I do and go for it. So you could say we have completely opposite opinions.
  14. My only problem was the netherhounds, but since they're kinda vegetables now i don't mind lol
    Pab10S likes this.
  15. The biggest problem I have with the Enraged Mobs is that the Enraged Creeper if unchecked can destroy a large section of any Wild base.

    I could hear a banging sound, couldn't identify where it came from, by the time I'd found it an EC that had spawned inside a house in my Wild village had caused that and four other ones to sustain heavy fire damage.

    I don't really care about the mobs, I'd just like to see a limit to the damage they can cause to structures if applicable to them.
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  16. But wouldn't they only explode when aggroed close to you?
  17. I've no idea how it works, but by the time I found him there was fire everywhere.
  18. The enraged creepers don't even explode normally, they start fires that cover their blast area.
  19. Everyone that's hunts enraged/mini bosses do it in the wastelands because there not many people in there, there is always someone in the wild wich would be a pain for those who hunt mini bosses
  20. I like enraged :/ but Minibosses REALLY tick me off :mad: