Empire Auction Rules - READ BEFORE POSTING

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by JackBiggin, Jan 31, 2014.

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  1. Should probably put that armor/ tools must be undamaged or you can't auction them :p
    Gadget_AD likes this.
  2. This doesn't seem fair to me. When I bump one of my own auction threads, I try to do it at times when the most people are likely to see it. All it takes is an ill-timed, "Oh! That's a lot of stuffs!" post to mess me up.

    A bump is someone posting to intentionally make a thread noticeable in the Recent Threads list. A bid has the same effect, but not the same intention. Bumping too soon after someone's bid seems a bit of a waste to me anyway.

    I was on smp1 yesterday working on a project and saw a certain someone post their auction thread in chat three times over a period of about four hours. Their Auction, including bids and the first post got hit three times yesterday afternoon. In effect, the thread was bumped six times over a four hour period.

    If we are going to allow Auction bumping through Chat channels shouldn't that also be regulated in coordination with website bumps? I think it would be more fair to dis-allow chat advertising and allow the owner to bump a thread only, independently of bids or comments by other people at a minimum of three hours.

    The rule against non-bid and non-question comments in Auctions have never to my knowledge been enforced, but they should be. If it were enforced, and someone tried to sneak a bump in with an alt it would either have to be a bid or it could be reported since most of them are pretty obvious.
    cddm95ace and FDNY21 like this.
  3. I agree with the first half - I have had several auctions where people post irrelevantly and ruin my bumps. Maybe they can do something about that :p Maybe disregard all irrelevant posts and bump from either the last bid/bump/question?

    The second part however, I think it is perfectly fine for people to advertise in-game as much as they like. Comparing it to real life, people hand out fliers and leaflets in towns and cities all the time. They can do it as much as they like and hand them out to whoever, within reason, people receive them, and if they do not want it they just ignore it. Sure, I am not a fan of adverts every second of the day in town chat, but some are useful for what we may need. You can even just ignore the message in town chat like you would a leaflet. That is just my opinion - but I totally agree with everything else you have said :)
    Pab10S likes this.
  4. I think these two rules apply:

    Obey The Chat Rules / Do Not Be a Pain in Chat
    - Do not spam
    - Only advertise your shop when necessary. Do not randomly advertise for no reason.

    I also do not see how a Chat announcement is not also a bump. I find it worse than a thread bump anyway since it pops up on my screen as I play. At least an actual thread bump is in a frame on the sidebar and I have to go to the forum to see it. Even if it is ok, advertising more than once can be considered spam by many people so it should be allowed only once at most. Not every hour.
    If you compare it to shop advertising, we are
    FDNY21 likes this.
  5. The timer for bumping has always been based on all player's posts. If someone else happens to post, then they're effectively bumping it for you.

    Auction advertising ingame is a topic that's up for staff discussion.
    Fixed, thanks.
    Pab10S likes this.
  6. So... is the starter book actionable? :p
  7. If you can get 54 of them. :)
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  8. *facedesk*
    TheMiniKins, Pab10S and jkjkjk182 like this.
  9. What about organizing splits in an auction thread instead of in a pm or in game.should this be disallowed?
  10. Allow the 2 types of doors to be mixed?
    And the 2 types of Trapdoors to be mixed also in 1.8?

    Asking if you can allow this rule...
  11. Are all these items Required in the Auction's OP?
    Or are they optional? (the Hosts Requirements were not specific).

  12. Are we still supposed to (try to remember to) report the thread to be closed after the auction ending so nobody else accidentally bids ect? Was that even a rule? Or have I just been doing it wrong for over 400 days? :p
  13. i think the old thread made that stuff the required amount of info.
    its certainly helpful when you report it but i dont think necessary
    i always tried to keep that to pm unless needed but theres not rlly an official policy i dont think
    FDNY21 likes this.
  14. Agreed. Such posts are not a bid or request for information or posts related to claiming a won auction.
  15. its not even that it just confuses people tbh, the bidders and the auctioneer. if one person wins its simple
  16. Updates:
    • Stated that discussing splitting an auction in a thread should not happen, and should be taken to a PM
    • Added clarification about OP template
    To be discussed.
  17. Would it be fine for a bidder to make their bid, and also add on something like "Open to splitting offers"?
  18. I'd say that provided no-one uses this to still organise splits on the thread, that's fine. By that, I mean that this isn't allowed:
    IcecreamCow: 9001r, open to splitting offers!
    Aikat: 9002r, I'll split with you!
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  19. Why can't Dirt Tick Tocks be auctioned?
  20. It is technically not a special item, and is basically a 60k loan towards residence dirt clearance.
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