EMC Official Art Thread

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Green_Mystery, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. Oh my gosh, I hate geometry postulates so much...

  2. Made this in paint.
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  3. I drew this recently. It's my version of a popular meme: LOL(borg)cat!

  4. BAHAhahahah, Lovin' This drawing!

  5. Now to make a colorful type of fella. And gotta try the hands look more... hands. Not like paper hands. (Well for me)
    AliceF3, penfoldex, eklektoi and 3 others like this.
  6. I made this with my new tablet, I'm quite proud. It's twilight sparkle as an alicorn without her crown, and like powerful and stuff.
  7. Lol, where did I see that before? :D
  8. You got a tablet? :eek: Which one?
  9. SOme of the stuff here is cool-like really cool

  10. My '"Undead Steve'' with EMC Top Hat, a mascotte for EMC I built a few months back :p
    AliceF3 and Cordial_Pie like this.
  11. Wacom Intuos
  12. Oh I just noticed this

    Also, drawing that many people isn't as fun as you would think :p
    It is fun to try and fit eyes and mouths on and watch as they both seem to become one thing, turning most of the face black, resulting in several slender men :3
  13. :confused: What kind of drawings are those lol?

    :p I know what you mean.
  14. Wow that's pretty expensive... Mine was 100 €
  15. I don't know how much money that is, mine was only $80
  16. :confused: What size intuos do you have? The one I considered buying was about 400 euros. -.-
  17. Whaaaat?? Did you buy it second hand? :eek: Mine has less quality than yours and it was way more expensive...