EMC Official Art Thread

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Green_Mystery, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. Cool! Did you copy it?
  2. Imgur.com->Upload->Right click->Copy IMG URL->Reply->Paste IMG URL->Profit
  3. actually i have it here (the drawing) and i want to take a picture using my webcam and instantly upload it
  4. You will still have to save the image file from the webcam somewhere on your computer and then still do as Chascarrillo suggested. I hope that helps.
  5. the problem is that i cant find out how to take a picture of it
  6. do you have a scanner connected to your computer?
  7. i have a webcam
  8. idk what type but it has a built in camera and mic
  9. Ok, check around. There *might* be a button. Click it if it has a button.
  10. i cant find anything
  11. Please, take it to a PM.
  12. well darn looks like i cant upload the work i worked on all day =(
  13. I wish i could draw as good as all of you guys :(
  14. abstract art is the way to go....
    Palmsugar likes this.
  15. Wut art.... :p... i'm sorry... i just don't remember the last time i drew something XD
  16. ... how do you live?....
  17. Start with small things like cartoon characters, then slowly expand over to anime/comic characters, then life portaits. Finally photorealistic drawings.
  18. I have camtasia studio, the only thing I can think of is recording your drawing on some recording program, then making a screenshot and cropping out the pic.
    If you don't have a recording software you could invite someone who does to a skype call and then they make a screenshot and send you the pic.
    Maybe too complicated. I don't know.
  19. That's one way, but personally I'd prefer beginning with "photorealistic". Understanding reality gives you the ability to open your third eye and start expressing yourself in other artistic styles. Of course it's fine starting doing another things, everyone has drawn cartoonish things in the corners of a textbook, but if you want to take it seriously, or even work as an animator or something related to drawings, I suggest learning to draw realistically. It's not as hard as everyone thinks, trust me.
    That's fine, as long as you have enthusiasm.