EMC Official Art Thread

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Green_Mystery, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. Pa-pa-paint??? :confused: That must have been time consuming. Good work! :D
    Jakres likes this.
  2. An indoor pool o-o u rich bro? :p
  3. Not really XD I got an indoor gym with a view XD Looking at from the Mountains XD

  4. Deadpool done a while back :)
  5. Holy crap. Hold. The. Phone. THAT IS AMAZING.
    SuperVal_Junior likes this.
  6. :( u lucky XD
  7. What is true beauty? Ladies and gentlemen, look no further than this post, for I have the answer! Feast your eyes on this!

    I call it my Chickat. Photoshop sure is fun at times! Don't even ask about my sugar shark.
    Parkerjv9, cddm95ace and Cordial_Pie like this.
  8. What is your sugar shark dare I ask?
  9. Mwah ha ha... one of my first little mix and matches. Not really a clean blend, but I think it looks nice enough. :)

    Parkerjv9, Cordial_Pie and cddm95ace like this.

  10. ^90% made in GIMP (Its a fan art btw) I finished it 2 days ago.

    ^100% drawing it in Photoshop, unfinished though.
    My good mood made me post them.
    Palmsugar and Jake_bagby like this.
  11. lioncat.png Humm. Lion Cat!
  12. cddm95ace likes this.
  13. Cat...? Lion+cat=cat? Mind= Blown
  14. I drew a robot on my whiteboard. He reminds me of Dick Van Dyke.

  15. :p I haven't had any reason to post here until now...
  16. noooooooooooooooooooooo. Just no.
    penfoldex and Alyattayla like this.
  17. love that song!
    LoyalKoala, jkjkjk182 and brickstrike like this.
  18. She is sometimes just so... Scary.