EMC Official Art Thread

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Green_Mystery, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. "photoshop is the only way to make cool pictures"
    2013-03-08_18.18.33 - Copy.jpg
    to be nice i included the vortex i used vortex red.png
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  2. I love art! Here is some of mine :)

  3. Didn't even know this thread existed :p Guess I'll have to post some of my work.

    All photo's are copyrighted and I check the net often for art thieves and I love to sue people :p

    B+W - Cityscape (Ohio).JPG B+W Frozen Movement (Ohio).JPG B+W High Detail (Ohio).JPG Color - Depth (Greece).JPG Color - Indoor Artistic (Turkey).JPG
    Palmsugar and jkjkjk182 like this.
  4. Are you fimiliar with the "Macro" area? that is the only thing I know :p I am kind of into photography, and im in the Army Cadets, I would love the post some photos I can take of the Australian Army, and the training. I Also have some really nice ones of some flowers using Macro, I might post those soon. Also, what is your website link? Just pm me or reply, interested to see! I like seing photos like this!

    Also guys, great artwork to everyone! I really like everyones, everyone's is unique in their own way!
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.

  5. Its a good thing to be into :)
    You should post some!
  6. That is nice! Yeh, im taking a photo if ny cat, and the WHOLE of adelaide, we live in the hills, night time here, so lights everywhere!
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  7. First is the city of adelaide from my house!!!

    And my indoor pool is here! :p Being renovated still, and the lights are on! We got the view of adelaide from our indoor pool xD

    Please note I am NOT a pro photography or anyone good, just interested in some photgraphy! Just sharing some of my artwork with you, I thought the Adelaide one was good, and the way I took the pool with the light at the end, the rake across and the glass panes, like a minecraft pool! Enjoy!
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  8. Wow. O_O So confused, didn't know such beautiful and detailed art existed. You are so great! Please make more of this!:)
    Palmsugar likes this.
  9. I really love taking pictures, but most of the time they get lost in my big folder. This was one I could find, I made it long ago, when I was much younger than I am now:p Really old cam, I got two new ones since then, but I'm still using old camera's, and I love them.:)
  10. yeah, i use macro a lot to take really close up photos of bugs, flowers and small stuff.. lol

    i have a few things jumbled around.
    - facebook holds the page that my webpage links to..
    - and this is my actual webpage
    607 and MrWhosMagic like this.
  11. I love Macro, only setting I know lol
  12. I almost always use macro, even with objects that are a little far off the camera, cause it makes the pictures just look more sharp(or whatever is the right word)But with my new cam I have to look out that I turn macro off for when I make pictures of people, cause otherwise, when they move a little bit, it gets really blurry.
  13. Oooh! Now I remember why I liked this "drawing" thing!

  14. So I was one day messing around with my graphic tablet which I'm still not that much used to and for some reason slimes popped into my head and this is what I drew.

    After that I also thought about people's suggestion of enraged chickens, pigs, etc. But I never seen anyone who asked for a GIGANTIC SLIME BOSS THAT FEAST ON STEVE'S AND MAKE THEM WET THEIR PANTS :3
  15. Whats this? Me drew something in paint.net and added lightning effects in GIMP? Huh.