Eggifying bats in wild

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by iamfuturetrunks, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. The only time it somewhat annoys me is if someone starts to respond to an older thread (say 1+ years old) to tell someone they're wrong. While they're only wrong because the thing they discussed got recently changed; they weren't wrong at the time of writing.

    Other than that, guess I have to agree with battmeghs :)
    M4ster_M1ner, battmeghs and 607 like this.
  2. These threads only get derailed once people start adressing other people about bumping...
    anyway, as it has been derailed anyway: I say as long as you have something new to add, post away, but do not do it if you're only pointing out the obvious or saying "I agree".
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. I would love for bats to be eggifyiablwea (I gave up spelling that word) because it simply makes sense. All concerns with bats escaping all of that lovely stuff is fixed. Only thing that is stopping the Bat Train (you can hear it coming with the nanananananananananana CHOO CHOO) is coding. I am sure it isn't that much of a hassle.
    607 likes this.
  4. If you discount villager babies then it's almost true, but still not 100%.
    I've had squid spawn and some other people had other mobs spawn on their res.
  5. but those are bred... you have to have them for them to breed... they just can't spawn on your res without an actual reason to be there.. so in the way i meant, it is 100% true.

    a baby villager can't just spawn onto your res without having breeding villagers there already...
  6. I'm not sure about that.
    I've had squid spawn, some other people had (or perhaps still have) some other mobs.
    Perhaps it isn't possible any more, but who knows?
  7. I for one think eggifying bats would be cool. I didn't know this wasn't possible.

    The only reason I can think of is that they would fly off residences or despawn and that might make players upset? Why sell them in the /shop in that case?

    I did notice that on my EMCMarket website there were a number of searches for bat eggs (more than pig eggs, if I recall correctly), so the demand is there and I think that's pretty clear evidence that a lot of people would, in fact, like to be able to buy/sell bat eggs.

    They're not hostile, so there's no issue there letting them be eggified.

    The 'Marlix bat' is just a check to add to the code and test, not a reason to avoid implementation.

    Players making caves to spawn bats is, in my opinion, not a valid argument either. Players make all kinds of grinders presently, and this doesn't really have an impact on the EMC experience. Other player just explore different areas of the wilderness or waste if they don't like the sight.

    If they despawn from residences, that's also something that should be fixed.

    If they fly away when not enclosed, in my opinion that's tough luck. Enclose your bats.

    If there's a concern with tons of bats stuck in /town and other people's residences, it's possible to despawn them if they actually leave a residence. From my understanding this would also affect bats sold from /shop.

    But definitely I can see a ton of uses for bats in residences. There are a lot of creative ideas, like a bat cave, placing around underground fishing areas, pet bats, launching a ton at a grand opening (like in the real world with doves), etc...
    607, M4ster_M1ner and TomvanWijnen like this.
  8. I had a squid spawn before but it was quite some time ago and none have spawned since, so I think it was fixed.
    607 likes this.
  9. Yup, threads should have some kind of topical orgsanization so looking or doing a search doesn't take 30+ minutes.
    I like bats and still wondering how to get more because they were not in the empire shot last I looked.

    I have alway thought the Forum was for discussion and the wiki for information but ppl do whatever and the forum search engine is bad, I have to Google it if I want to find anything close to what I am looking for.