Earn Up To 700 Rupees Per Day By Voting!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Dec 2, 2012.

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  1. I love this I will be voting everyday
  2. i feel like this is a opportunity....TO BUY MORE BUTTER
    Kman122000 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  3. Remember to enter the contest in my signature to earn even MORE gifts for Christmas! :)
    _Stads_ likes this.
  4. Up to 24 on Minestatus!
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  5. Minestatus changes quickly. We were at like 18 for a while, then it went into the 24-30 area again, haha. Minestatus is the one to push for top pageness though, they're by far the leaders in this.
    ISMOOCH and _Stads_ like this.
  6. Yeah Minestatus recieves quite a bit of activity and traffic... I'll try to never miss a day voting there (and everywhere) for EMC :D
  8. Did it occur to anyone that you could make Notch vote?
    _Stads_ and AlexHallon like this.
  9. Oh, I love budder....
    NoahMarcusWhite likes this.
  10. I havent been getting as many rupees as what I could be getting for the past couple days, because after I get home from school and try to vote, it wont let me. I JUST got home from school and it said I voted 1 and a half hours ago.
  11. Is there someone else on your IP that may have voted? an hour and a half ago?
  12. ive also been to another server that is working on a similar thing to "dragon tombs"
  13. It won't nearly be as good as ours to come though :)
    jkjkjk182 and Dwight5273 like this.
  14. Unfortunately I have had to warn you about this before buddy.

    This isn't acceptable, do not advertise on threads that do not belong to you or aren't in the community marketplace. Please stop :)
    jkjkjk182 and Dwight5273 like this.
  15. i voted too, i want to get rupees!
    [Please Stop advertising in inappropriate threads -Staff]
  16. Are you absolutely serious?
    Look at the post above yours, don't advertise -_-
  17. My friend has full butter armor *following him to the wild*
  18. Will you stop posting about butter lol.
  19. lol Well, gold ingots do look like sticks of butter.
    NoahMarcusWhite and jkjkjk182 like this.
  20. And testificates look like squidward from spongebob squarepants, and I'm definitely not going to post about them...
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