Early Voting in the U.S. Started!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by sgx2000, Oct 22, 2012.

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  1. understood... but I've done my own research on the topic, quite extensively and I never ran across anything that linked Saddam directly with 9/11.

    For me to say that Bush lied to us and was a bad President based on the wars alone is backed up by the fact that the Republican party has abandoned him. We'll see if they ever use him in a support role in a campaign again, maybe they will, who knows.

    edit: and if there really was a direct link between Saddam and 9/11, why wasn't the Republican party screaming about this while Bush was being lampooned repeatedly over it?
  2. I got an idea we should vote for either ICC and JustinGuy For President and Vice President or Simon and Lewis for President and Vice President.
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  3. I would laugh if we put our MC Names on a vote.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. I would lol even more if we Put are MC Names as both the name of the voter and candidate we are voting for.
  5. 1) You dont always look for one thing. If you are looking for missiles, you look for manufacturing plants, silos, trucks that are designed to transfer them, plans, ... and then the missiles themselves. All of that was found, except the missiles. If we are going to look at only one variable, Casey Anthony never killed her daughter, OJ Simpson never killed his wife, and Michael Jackson was never a freak.
    2) If Saddam was vomiting hate against the US, and terrorist groups based their attacks off that hate, then he played a part in it.
    3) Justly so.
  6. Umm, good morning?
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  7. If I'm correct, your an Independent right??? :)
  8. Yeah... I've met him. ahaha;
    New Hampshire crazies ftw \m/
    penfoldex and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  9. I live in Spain and I'm underage, but I'd vote for Obama. I think he is more "charismatic" (Didn't know to spell that word)
  10. Why do you think that, you gray texter... :p
  11. I like gray text. Problem? *Trollface*
  12. No, I don't. Do you? ;P
  13. Hehe yes I do
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. I haven't voted and neither has my husband. I am conflicted because both have things I like but other things I don't agree with. If we could find a president that could help with jobs, getting us out of debt, approves of marriage equality, will better education, get people more money and lower the costs of things, help with healthcare and didn't want to give everything to illegal immigrants and actually help our country then we'd be set.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  15. what do you mean by "give everything to illegal immigrants"? because everything else you said sounds like Obama, don't let the propaganda machine convince you otherwise.
  16. I personally think they should get nothing. They have commited a high offense, and you shouldnt reward that. Theres the argument that "they arent all bad people", so what! When someone does something illegal, no matter what, you dont reward them. It would be like giving a bank robber a cut of the cash, since he said he was just trying to provide for his family-_-. Why should the rest of America do ANYTHING for criminals?
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  17. Hey you didn't wrote anything there >: O
  18. have you read the DREAM Act? It effects children who were brought here by their parents. They had no choice in the matter, they were likely not even aware of what was going on, and this is the only country they have ever known.

    the fact of the matter is these are the choices we have:

    1) Romney has stated his plan is for self-deportation which means he is going to try to make their lives a living hell so they willingly choose to leave this country. Doesn't matter if they've never visited Mexico before or haven't been there since they were little kids, he is going to try to get them to hate it here so much that they have to go back.

    2) Obama has stated that his plan is to give the kids an easy path to citizenship, that way they can go to college, get jobs, pay taxes like everyone else. He doesn't want to make anyone's life a living hell except the delusional Fox News brainwashed viewers who are self-inflicting their living hell on themselves by watching that nonsense.

    thanks and come again!
    Chascarrillo likes this.
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