Early Voting in the U.S. Started!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by sgx2000, Oct 22, 2012.

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  1. I have read it. It effects "children" up to the age of 35, unless it has been changed in the last few weeks. Which is ridiculous. And by "living hell" you mean arrested, right? Thats perfectly right. They are illegal, and you arrest people who are part of illegal activity. Ignorance is not an excuse to do illegal activity. Those kids, when young, would probably know that they were illegal, because their parents would be afraid of them somehow getting them deported. So they cant even claim complete ignorance! Its hard to not know you are illegal, even when you are 18. We shouldnt be doing anything for them. It doesnt matter how "good" they are, if they are good enough and if they have enough desire to be here, they cant go back over to their country, and apply to get in like everyone else does. People vote for government officials, not charity advisers. I just dont understand how people can get charity mixed up with government, they are completely different.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. by living hell i mean making a vain attempt to block them from working, which is a pipe dream along the lines of the war on drugs... doing ID searches like what was going on in Arizona, etc etc.... it's all a bunch of nonsense.

    Romney's plan of self-deportation is just a way for him to seem like he's taking a hard stance on immigration when in reality he isn't going to do anything differently than what Obama is currently doing... except they won't support the DREAM Act because that would tarnish their image of being heartless jerks! we can't have that.
  3. and sorry, I didn't address your other comment about children up to 35....

    for Exhibit A i provide their website which details what the act does: http://dreamact.info/

    for Exhibit B i provide a copy and paste job of epic proportions where i show why your comment about being 35 is misleading...

    The following is a list of specific requirements one would need in order to qualify for the current version of the DREAM Act.
    • Must have entered the United States before the age of 16 (i.e. 15 and younger)
    • Must have been present in the United States for at least five (5) consecutive years prior to enactment of the bill
    • Must have graduated from a United States high school, or have obtained a GED, or have been accepted into an institution of higher education (i.e. college/university)
    • Must be between the ages of 12 and 35 at the time of application
    • Must have good moral character
    so yes, while they may be 35 today, they had to have been under the age of 16, thus a minor, when their parents brought them to this country.
    there is absolutely nothing negative about the DREAM Act at all. see, when you put something large, in bold, and red then it makes it more important
  4. Trolololol : )
  5. more humor from Romney...

    So let's get this straight... these are the facts:

    During the Republican Primary Mitt Romney was asked if he would shut down FEMA and his response was "Absolutely" and then he gave a small-government argument for why that was the best course of action. Nothing wrong with this, it's a standard Republican answer really.

    Then "Super Storm" Sandy happens, Romney is asked repeatedly about his comments about FEMA and then he decides to say this:

    "I believe that FEMA plays a key role in working with states and localities to prepare for and respond to natural disasters," Romney said in a statement supplied by his campaign Wednesday. "As president, I will ensure FEMA has the funding it needs to fulfill its mission, while directing maximum resources to the first responders who work tirelessly to help those in need, because states and localities are in the best position to get aid to the individuals and communities affected by natural disasters."

    let me repeat that.... "As president, I will ensure FEMA has the funding it needs to fulfill its mission..."

    total flip-flop but at least a flip-flop in the right direction...

    but then in a plot twist, Romney's own budget calls for a reduction in FEMA's funding, the exact amount of the reduction has varied based on stories you read but it's somewhere between 25-35% of it's current budget.

    So this isn't even about the issue of whether FEMA should stay or go or about it's funding... we can have a debate about that. This is about a Presidential nominee who has plenty of support who flip flops on this very public issue very blatantly. Is he flip flopping or is he lying like he has done on many other issues? Who knows? There is no way any reasonable person could listen to this man and trust a word that comes out of his mouth because he says contradictory things constantly.
  6. Seems like the more I care about political things, the less faith I have in America. You know, because none of this makes sense. Your career as a politician should not supersede the needs of a Country. Ever.
    jkjkjk182 and BobTheTomato9798 like this.
  7. term limits will help curb that i think
  8. It's supposed to, but that doesn't stop every current political leader from acting on approval ratings rather than what's best for the country/state/county/city/school/club
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  9. Electoral Collage as of 11/1/12:
    ScreenHunter_01 Nov. 01 10.48.jpg
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. it might if we actually had term limits for Congress
  11. To work in America, you need a visa or to be a citizen. They are neither. They shouldnt be here, they never should have. So if he is going to enforce common sense rules, thats great!
    Exactly. I dont care if you came here when you were 15, or when you were 1 month old. There is no age requirement to be considered legal here... So, that leads to the FACT that no matter what your age, whoever brought you here, or whether it was your choice or not, if you didnt come here legally, you are illegal, and shouldnt be here. At all. It doesnt matter if you are the best person in your town/city, illegal is illegal, and these are rules, not flimsy guidelines. Be smart, deport yourself, leaving you with a clean legal record. Or, act dumb, get caught, get a criminal record, and be deported forcefully. There are two choices, and neither of them are "stay!" The American government worries about American citizens (and people like travelers, anyone who is here LEGALLY), and guards them. I dont want my money going towards some program that is going to break set laws, and "help" people be here who are illegal. If those parents were actually good enough to be here, they could apply to enter the country legally. But their judgement was flawed when they decided that they were free to do whatever the hell they want. If they can think that they can freely break major laws, get them out. Dont try to keep them.
    Thats an opinion. But a lot of America sees this act as a breach of law, as unfair spending of American money, and it makes us look like a nation with a wimpy government. It doesnt look important, i actually saw it as obvious rage and anger. You are probably going to say that "most of America is racist!" I dont like illegals, and many people dont like them either. Once "Illegal" becomes a race, you can call me racist. Are a majority of illegals Mexican? Yes. Does that mean when i refer to "illegals" that i mean Mexicans? No. In fact, my best friend is Mexican, and we both think the same thing. So no, we people who dont like illegals arent racist. They ca be from Canada, Russia, Taiwan, i dont care where. They dont belong here unless they are accepted. Just going to clear up that liberal-argument bologna before anyone decided to bring it up.
    That would be great. It would get rid of that Californian nut!

    So far, the leaders of the Democrat party are:
    Obama-broke promises, didnt do what he said he would.
    Biden- Did you just say war? Thats HILARIOUS! Bahahahaha! America's problems are funny stuff!
    Pelosi- "Every month that we dont have this economic stimulus plan, 500 million Americans lose their jobs." "We need to pass the bill before you can see whats in it!" "Its almost three times what it was when president Bush took office, it was a $1 something when he took office, and [now] its $2.56 on average" If its "$1 something" its not close to $1, or it would be rounded to $1. If it was even $1.2, its not even close to tripling.
    ^^^If you are a liberal, you are following a bunch of clowns. Its funny to see how uneducated, and inappropriate your leadership is.
  12. That looks like a huge red blob, oh wait, there is some blue too...
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  13. I used to want to be a president. I though it was cool. Now I realizle all hate behind all of it. :(
    PandasEatRamen and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. Election tomorrow! Go romney!
  15. Agreed!
    Problem is, the states with the most people are blue...

    Also, it appears that Colorado is leaning Democrat. I am disappointed in my fellow Coloradans...
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. So will this be locked when a candidate wins? ;)
  17. Which means that the problem is the electoral college, which is the worst part of the presidential election. A republican in California has no motivation to vote for president, same goes for democrats in Texas. Once we get rid of that stupid entity, we will finally see what the American people really want.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. I am also disappointed in my state, fello Coloradoan... but texas is red, and is a large state.
  19. Speaking of pipes, what happened to the Keystone pipeline that would have given a lot of people jobs? Oh, that's right! Obama cancelled it.
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