Early Voting in the U.S. Started!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by sgx2000, Oct 22, 2012.

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  1. When my mom went to Alaska, she saw the pipeline. The empty factories. Everything that was going to be made. But no, Obama canceled it. It would have created thousands of jobs. And don't say that it would have ruined nature. Don't all oil drills hurt the environment?
    And yes. He has weakened the economy. The only reason he helped out GM is to get Ohio's vote and support. What GM should have done is filed bankruptcy, and started over again. They should not gt the government to bail them out, increase the national debt, and get nothing in return but political support from the left side of Ohio.
    What a shame.
    Vote today for Mitt Romney, or learn more about his policies and plans at Mitt Romney.com
  2. I am sorry President Obama, I'm pretty sure the Marines still use bayonets and horses.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  3. fixed

    Lilly Ledbetter Act, overturning Don't Ask Don't Tell, expanding Pell Grants, issuing the order to kill Bin Laden, getting us out of Iraq, setting a time table for getting out of Afghanistan... the list goes on and on

    Incorrect, oil drilled in America does not get used by America only. Please understand how oil markets work. This is why even though we have INCREASED drilling and oil production in America, gas prices continued to go up. Not because Obama is Hitler, but because the President doesn't control gas prices, oil prices, etc etc....

    education is a wonderful thing. kneejerk reactions based upon what you saw on Fox News last night are not.
  4. he said we used LESS horses and bayonets... to make a point about Romney's arguments about us having less submarines

  5. Did anyone actually care besides a bunch of whiny "activists?" All that trouble, time, and money just so that they could say they were gay. Which ended up making more uncomfortableness (<--- not a real word).
    You are kidding, right? As if that makes him a better choice. Anyone who brings that up has be completely inept. What you are saying is that he made a choice that anyone else would make (besides a radical human rights activist, but they arent exactly fit to be making real decisions), any president, and that makes him better. Great argument.
    He got 'combat' troops out. But there are still a lot of 'non-combat' troops there, whose main goal isnt combat, but they still are involved combat. Maybe you should take some of your own advice, and educate yourself instead of listening to all the warped whispers that Obama tells you:)
    More oil=more processing=more time and money spent=more jobs. If you think that more American oil somehow doesnt equal more economic activity, you need to go find out how business works. Even if the prices went up, more Americans are making more money than they were before. If the price of gas is $x.xx, and there are 15000 people unemployed in an area, but new jobs come along and the price is still the same, the net change is still positive because people are making money who werent making it before.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  6. You know what's funny? All this debate and in the end it comes down to the American people and their votes.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  7. ... The electoral college and its votes...
  8. The electoral college is fine. They don't dictate who wins.
  9. Go look at the first election for Bush II, the electoral college can completely mess things up.
  10. I agree with sgx 120%

    Obama is going to pull 500bil from the defence budget and put it into healthcare. Seeing that we are not in war, and all of the troops are home, there is no need for a 4trillion dollar defence budget. With all of the troops home we need more money in health care to help better those troops lives. I work in mental health, and there is such a strain on mental health support, there isn't enough help for returning troops that have PTSD or anxiety disorders caused by combat.
    People say that they are putting military personal out of jobs and not making more job, where infact they are making more jobs.
    Its as simple as this: miliraty home=more people in the US=more people needing health care
    Which then relates to: no war= not as much money needed in defence=more money in healthcare which then equals a higher demand for healthcare. If there is a higher demand in healthcare then there is a higher demand for people to work in healthcare

    And as for the military personal losing jobs. Oh well it would happen eventually, but the government takes damn good care of vets. Not only that but they have 3 times a better chance of getting a job than anyone else.
  11. Cutting from the defence budget will make us get behind. Cutting from defence cuts jobs, if they add that into healthcare, it just pays for the healthcare debt and makes very few jobs. If you want to be bullied and weak, let him cut the budget. If you want to be strong and in control of yourself, keep it the way it is. Worse healthcare is infinitely better than no one to give healthcare to.
    Hash98 likes this.
  12. But what President Obama is doing is weakening our military by cutting everything out. It wasn't a fail. And we're e did you get that quote hmm? He did not say less, he said "just like how we don't use horses and bayonets today."-CNN, a very far left liberal media station.
    Point being, America had the strongest military at one point. Now with Obamas new plans we are getting weaker and weaker and we are opening ourselves up to more and more countries like Pakistan and North Korea.
    And please, if you are going to talk politics sgx, use proper grammar and get your facts straight.
  13. More people at home doing what?
    Surviving off of welfare?
    I don't think so.
    If we reduce our military we are cutting jobs for people that need them. Sure, a lot of Marines or guards will be stationed as a jobs, but the rest will be let go.
  14. Ummmm, go back to your government class because I am pretty sure electoral votes is what gets a president into office.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  15. Actually, Bush started the plot to kill Bin Laden with all of the drones flying over and spying on the compound, not Obama. Obama only pulled the plug. In fact, something funny in my opinion, Biden did not want to do it. Seems like Biden makes a lot of mistakes. And yes, if the president issues a grant against oil trade in other countries, the gas prices will increase.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  16. Obama dodges everything. One of the main things is hmmmm.......Libya. They sent the White House over a 100 letters staing that they need more reinforcements and everything. All 113 letters for more men were denied by Obama.
    The sad about it is that he has lied to the American people. All he says that they are gathering more information as we speak. Yet CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Wallstreet Journal, and the New York Times all seem to know more about Libya than the White House does. What a shame.
    Romney|Ryan 2012
    We need a real change.
    RED_Spy1 and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  17. When they get out of the military they have the same training as a BA from college. It is up to THEM to go out and get a damn job. Seriousally people need to stop being babied and crying. You have to get off your ass and get your own job, not have one handed to you. The ONE thing I did not approve of Obama was the lax welfare.
  18. Here we go again blaming the Bush administration. Did you know that Bush is the one who actually started the plot to kill Osama? Obama just flipped the switch or pulled the plug.
    RED_Spy1 likes this.
  19. Ummm, you just stated something as if you were conservative my friend. Many people who don't go to college after or get a job rely on Obamas welfare.
    Just saying, you stated what most conservatives are saying.
  20. The only reason I registered Republican is to get into cacuses. But the republican party makes me sick. They are so cocky and have their head up their butt thinking that their crap doesn't stink. If I remember BUSH was the one who started the crash of the economy, and then pranced out like nothing happened. OBAMA saved the economy, it could have been 1000000000000000 times worse. He has made it easier to get college students, like myself, to recieve grants so they can go to college and better their selves.

    What happened to freedom of speech? Every single republican I know tells people to "shut up" and that "if people don't vote for Romeny they can go to hell." The Republican party is so ignorant it isn't funny. And they didn't used to be either! I do not consider myself a Democrat or Republican, I honestly am independent. I read unbaised reports and judge then. And as of right now Obama seems to be the better choice, rather than a rich boy businessman. I know it is Epic Rap Battles, but I agree with the line "It is a country, not a company"
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
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