Early Voting in the U.S. Started!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by sgx2000, Oct 22, 2012.

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  1. But really I'm Joking and if you don't want to vote for anyone just use your vote by voting fro spiderman or mario.
  2. Mickey Mouse get's, like, 3,000,000 votes a year or something.
  3. I rather vote for IceCreamCow :D
  4. I can't decide who I'd vote for in a joke vote.
  5. I think Obama was a bit naive and over-hopeful when he said he was going to change Washington... I think he wasn't taking into account the absurdity of the Republican party and their willingness to stonewall at every chance they had. Until the people demand that Washington works together then no politician, even if they want to, is going to be able to accomplish it without legislation... and by that I mean term limits for starters. The fact that a President is limited to two terms but all Congressmen and women and the Supreme Court have no term limits is a bit absurd.

    All of this is why I support two general things above any specific candidate and that's:

    1) Everyone needs to educate themselves, and by that I mean by any means other than MSNBC and Fox News (and you should lump any batshit crazy blogs, radio shows, etc along with that)

    2) Everyone needs to vote based upon their education

    I think those two things are intertwined anyway. I think if you educate yourself you naturally want to vote and if you vote you naturally want to educate yourself. It's just the massive amount of people that choose to both not educate themselves AND not vote that need to get with the program.

    but back to my point above, even though the Republican party stonewalled him at any chance they had in order to gain political points, Obama was still able to achieve more for social equality than any President since Lincoln. The evidence of that is the Lilly Ledbetter Act, repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, and reforming the student loan system.
  6. There should be a class you have to take on U.S. Government before being able to register to vote.
  7. I think he personally made promises he knew he couldn't keep because they were absurd for any President to do it...and that was said MANY times when he said them and people voted for him anyways.

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank."

    He said repeatedly that he would begin a withdrawal his first month in office, pull out one to two brigades per month and be done in 16 months. That did not happen.

    That is just ONE example of things he promised to get into office. He played GREAT politics and did what he had to in order to get into office, however they were lies. Support him or not, you shouldn't make excuses for him, but bash the "other side". It's bad for debating.
  8. Their is no such test sadly. Most Countries make everyone vote unless their is legitimate reason not to like sickness so they try to be educated sometimes. However because most people are uneducated and simply are morons who think bias ADs are facts. The entire system is messed up. Its what happened with Bush and Al Gore.
  9. oh I think it'd take a lot more than just a class on U.S. Government. When I say education I just mean that two things have to happen:

    1) people have to internalize what the Government does and how it effects their lives, it has to matter to them and they have to "get" how what happens in Washington effects their life

    2) they can't just believe whatever blowhole they see on TV, hear on the radio, or read in print... they have to take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt and educate themselves to make up their own mind. because we have a 24 hour news cycle now there is so much pressure to fill the time that these stations have resorted to having opinion shows and these are the shows that are the most popular on all these networks. people have confused opinion shows with news shows and they aren't. lies, misleading statements, exaggerations, etc all happen on these opinion shows all the time and if you just take it all in and believe it without fact-checking them then you will just lose yourself completely in a partisan haze.
  10. It was still nice to hear and I'd rather a guy preach hope and change for a Government we need to change and have hope in.

    he got our troops out, Iraq is a thing of the past now... and he has stuck with the timetable to remove our troops from Afghanistan... a timetable that Romney has flip-flopped on. first he said it was the wrong decision to set a timetable and then during the debate all of a sudden he's agreeing with Obama and the timetable.
  11. Personally I sorta like Obama and I think we need to give more time to fix a horribly broken system. We have had good and bad presidents. Good presidents like Ronald Regan And FDR. But bad presidents like Bush and many others.
  12. Yeah, I get that. That would be almost impossible though, and a class would be good start.
    I feel like a lot of people don't really know how our election works.
    For one, did you know the 'electoral votes' are actually people? and in a lot of states they aren't required to vote with the state. popular vote.
  13. The point is he made PROMISES...not "hopeful ideas"...PROMISES to have them out within 6 months, and he didn't deliver OR tell us why he didn't. One thing that I notice a lot when people defend Obama is they can't do it without bringing in Bush, or now, Romney.

    If I most people to explain why Obama did "insert thing here", without mentioning "Bush or Romney" they usually freeze up, haha.
  14. let me just say it like this... Romney has said the first things he'd do are:

    1) repeal Obamacare
    2) label China a "currency manipulator"

    both of those are the first things he'd do. pretty sure he said he'd do both on "day one" or something like that. if he gets elected and does them within the first year then i wouldn't consider that to be a campaign lie, it's a campaign exaggeration but not a lie... he said he was going to do them and then he did them.

    now personally i don't think there is any chance he actually repeals Obamacare, he can say that all he wants but I don't think he actually does it. as for China, who knows... all the stories I heard on the subject said that labeling them a currency manipulator doesn't mean anything, it's an empty gesture.
  15. ICC@ Well the truth is we can't defend what isn't defend able. Every politician makes mistakes but then again. When have politicians actually follow through with a promise.
  16. It happens a lot honestly. However, there's no reason to discuss what they should be doing...but when we're lied to, it's kind of a big deal, so it's good to question those in power about it.
    dylan_frenette likes this.
  17. Instead of doing "@ICC" you can quote their post. Just click the "reply" next to the like button.
  18. well you can't say Obama didn't do something because of Romney but you cannot take Bush out of the equation... you don't have 8 years in the White House and then a guy is able to completely stop everything in 4 years or even 8 years... certainly not turn around an entire economy, especially one as large as the U.S.

    I personally don't think Obama has done a bad job as President, obviously... but we aren't all roses either and to have an intellectual discussion on the matter (intellectual, not political) then you have to take into account decisions that Bush made. you cannot talk about the deficit without mentioning Bush's decisions. you cannot talk about the wars and what has or has not happened without talking about Bush decisions, etc etc

    of course, politically the Republican party wants the Democrats to stop talking about Bush and wants to make it seem that he has nothing to do with anything and that whatever perceived thing you think is wrong with this country lies solely at the feet of Obama but that is absurd. no intellectually honest person can take that stance.
  19. 1998@ I know and its a free country.
  20. Lol i was just saying in case you didn't know, and i know its a free country, i was just saying... also when you quote someone using "reply" it gives them a notification.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
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