Early Voting in the U.S. Started!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by sgx2000, Oct 22, 2012.

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  1. An example of our wonderfully biased media.

    This is something I've been paying attention to. I live in the swing state where Camp Obama is set up... As Sneeker said, if I'm rich, I worked to get there... and everybody else gets a free ride?
    IcecreamCow, mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  2. This is how I think the democratic party always acts.

    You wana see my birth certificate........ Ur funny.

    ......nuf said

    Yes i was just making jokes about democrats whatcha gona say? No more 1st Amendment rights?
  3. I just meant the missing periods and capital letters. It just kinda annoys me. Oh, and I am referring to Obamacare and the rest, well, most of his other welfare stuff. I'll give an example, but I will try to make not biased, or largely.

    I shall pick a random single mom, with two kids. She failed to attend college, as she did not feel obligated too. Sheworks as a waiter at the local diner. However, she is an alcoholic, and therefore, she spends large sums of money due to this addiction. Obama, thinking everyone deserves a second chance, provides government funds, that comes from a welfare program, which comes from taxes. After a few months, she has rented a better apartment, and can provide better food for her children. She spends her extra funds on liquor. Now, since she is getting enough money from the government to live at a good standard of life, she decides to not go back to college.

    See the problem? It is a good idea, in theory, and I would not really mind if it only went to those who were willing to put in the work and the time to use that money for a good purpose. However, it doesn't work like that. Many people rely on these funds for everything, and ruin the system. This person messed up her life. HER choices lead to a pay she may have not wanted to take, and it should not my responsibility to attempt to get her off her feet, even though she refuses too. Now, I am not a politician, therefore, I may have this wrong. While it may seem harsh, I am basically saying if a guy lived off Big Macs for his whole life and suddenly had a heart attack, I say, if he doesn't have the money to pay for it, then let him die.
    jkjkjk182, Hash98 and Daxter9133 like this.
  4. Yah, I watched it. Pretty sweet. And I think that's the final major debate before Nov. 6
  5. I just want to say that I was very proud of Paul Ryan during the VP debate. Joe Biden was not serious and laughing in places where he shouldn't.
  6. proud of him for what? lying and misleading through the entire thing? not unlike Biden... here is just one of the many factcheck websites which show this:

  7. I'm not old enough yet. :( Soon though!
    I would vote for Obama though if i could.

    The whole system is ridiculous though..
    As I like to say..
    Most politicians are either corrupt or stupid, because you have to be corrupt or stupid to WANT to run for office..
    or very, very brave.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  8. You are 100% unbiased correct! Biden didnt tell one lie at all! Not even about Libya!
    "The Obama administration requested $1.801 billion for embassy security, construction and maintenance for the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, according to The Hill newspaper. And House Republicans came back with a proposal to cut spending to $1.425 billion. Ultimately, the Republican-controlled House agreed to increase funding to $1.537 billion after negotiations with the Senate.

    Biden also claimed that the administration wasn’t aware of security concerns among U.S. officials in Libya before the attack on the consulate in Benghazi that killed four Americans. The vice president said: “[W]e weren’t told they wanted more security there. We did not know they wanted more security again.”

    We can’t say whether requests for more security — which were denied — reached the top. But American officials who worked in Libya over the summer placed the blame on a deputy assistant secretary of state — not top administration officials — when testifying before Congress this week.

    Eric Nordstrom, the top regional security officer in Libya over the summer, said: “All of us at post were in sync that we wanted these resources.”

    Andrew Wood, a Utah National Guardsman who was leading a security team, testified: ”We felt great frustration that those requests were ignored or just never met.”

    They placed the blame squarely on Charlene Lamb, deputy assistant secretary of state for international programs, according to Foreign Policy magazine."
    Oh wait, he did lie. Once again, dont contradict yourself. You make yourself look bad. I mean, come on! This was even from your own source...
  9. you quoted me so how did you not see me say "not unlike Biden"?
  10. There wasnt a "not unlike Biden." There was a "not unlike Biden...", which conveyed sarcasm.
  11. Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. My parents voted like 2 weeks ago.
  13. jkjkjk182 and IcecreamCow like this.
  14. In regards to the debates, it's very clear that both Obama and Biden aren't strong in holding to their views. When someone does absurd things like interrupting over and over in a professional setting (Presidential debate for God's sake) and LAUGHING uncontrollably, it really shows you're not confident in what you're talking about.

    In terms of people saying: "Obama/Biden lied" or "Romney/Ryan" lied...none of us can "verify" who is lying and who isn't unless it HAPPENED. Saying Romney/Ryan can't live up to their plans is just irresponsible because you don't know what they are.

    I gave Obama/Biden a chance. I didn't like it when it happened, but when they won, I said I would give them a shot. The fact that Obama couldn't live up to any of his promises that he gave us to get into office, just tells me that someone else needs a shot.
  15. well i wouldn't assume anything because i wasn't being sarcastic. i think there has been an abnormal amount of lying, misleading, and exaggerating during this election from both sides.
  16. ummm this makes no sense. I can say who lied and who didn't because words came out of their mouths and they are the opposite of the verifiable truth, thus lies.

    and when experts on a topic say that a politicians plan won't work then you should heed their words.

    when someone says that Romney is lying about what he is saying he plans to do, it's not because we don't think he'll do it... however unlikely it is that he will or not... it's that he is saying something different than he said in the very recent past. like there was what Romney said during the last election cycle 4 years ago, there's what he said during the Republican primaries this year, then there is what he has been saying in his speeches, and then there's all these brand new things he decided to debut starting with the first debate until now. his campaign strategy is pretty apparent and his campaign isn't denying it which is that he's just saying whatever he thinks will get him elected which means he's gone from far right all the way smack dab to the middle, along the way changing positions over and over again.
  17. Guys Obama and Romney are both bad choices to vote for. So instead vote for the next best person. Chuck Norris and vice president Mr.T. :p
  18. You misread what I wrote. I said that saying they can't do their plans is irresponsible. Even if you don't understand it or completely know what it is, saying they're "lying" about being able to do them isn't right. I didn't say "Obama will fail" even though I thought he would. However, now that he has, I can say he did...but I waited for him to prove himself.

    Obama does all the same things (and did in his first election) you accused Romney of doing. Welcome to politics, haha.
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