[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. :eek: You're right, that's quite the twist. :eek:
  2. This is looking VERY bad
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  3. You're right, I'm actually shaking and sweating right now; I hope Michigan and North Carolina falls into place for Clinton, or else Trump will have a smooth ride into the white house... :\
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  4. No way Hillary makes up NC. Here's my map for now:
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  5. Like all the newscasters are saying, it is early, and who knows? Something may surprise us. I doubt the likeliness of that happening but it is a possibility.

    Your map is almost complete, switch the Michigan to Trump, then it's more respecting current events; I do not believe that she'll get that one, sadly... :(
  6. I think she can get it. She's only 70,000 votes behind. 36% votes in.
  7. Very optimistic and nice thinking man. This is a new race I remember from '12, which is why I'm on the razor's edge on wondering if she'll actually get that state or not. If she can hold that, even if she loses Wisconsin, she might have a chance to survive until the west is called.
  8. Can't wait for the democratic establishment to blame real liberals for Hillary losing.
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  9. Ok basically from what I can figure out, it comes down to Michigan or to a greater extent Detroit to decide who is president at the moment.
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  10. They say you need 270 to win. What happens if neither get that? Here in Canada it would be a minority run government.
    Shadow_Dcord likes this.
  11. I believe the House of Representatives decide.
  12. As in they pick one of them for President or they decide on issues.
    607 likes this.
  13. I cannot believe I'm uttering these words, really, but I really believe that Trump is going to win...

    Hillary doesn't seem to be taking the hits that well... (At the time of this post that is...)
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  14. Still very much up in the air at this point. One thing we can say for sure though is that all the polling data predicting a smashing Clinton victory with the additional possibility of Democrats capturing both houses of Congress was complete junk.
    Gawadrolt and 607 like this.
  15. I believe they vote on the president.
    I hope Hillary wins. I have a dollar bet riding on it and I do not want my future to be screwed over by Trump.
    Gawadrolt, 607, DufnePoodle and 2 others like this.
  16. In the event that neither candidates get the 270 majority vote, it turns to the house to vote in the next POTUS. However, each state only recieves ONE vote- regardless of representative number. (24 is needed to win)
    ThaKloned likes this.
  17. I need to buy someone a sub from Subway if Trump wins.
  18. And since the republicans control The HOR... Trump will win if there's a tie.. This is looking really really bad rn. I hope this country doesn't fall into anarchy if Trump wins :eek:
  19. I hope she wins too, but so far, it looks like that she's getting steamrolled by Trump.
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