[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. Have you ever heard of Reagan? Reagan, before being elected was like a carbon copy of trump. "racist, xenophobic, hated by our allies, locker room banter and a democrat running as a republican that started in hollywood" Nowadays people like to praise him... I'm not really sure why. I hear this "Reaganomics" crap all the time and I am like... oh yeah SOCIALISM. Which it's not news to anyone that I am no fan of, being an anarchist. Seemingly republicans and their chants for capitalism wouldn't be in favor of his policies either but strangely thats not the case.
  2. It's a double sided coin. The American people will pay no matter who wins. Hard to believe these two morons, got as far as they did. Locking my doors and batting down the hatches. Don't tread on me! MOAON AABY
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  3. I'd prefer the corrupt woman over the new "Bill Cosby" for president...
  4. I'd take the actual Bill Cosby over either of them.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  5. I second this ^^^^
  6. To each their own.

    I'd prefer Bernie over anyone, but sadly, we all know how that turned out... :(
  7. Well it's not like I can vote for Robin Williams anymore.

    no_thing and Gawadrolt like this.
  8. RIP
    Hillary is gonna win :/
  9. At least it isn't the orange, fascist, buffoon or the guy who doesn't know what Aleppo is. Shoulda been Sanders or Stein but I can live with Hillary for four years.
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  10. Same with me; well said.

    (Nice icon by the way, very humorous. :D)
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  11. I really don't understand how someone can be okay with abortion.

    EDIT: This IS a political debate and abortion IS a political issue. There really isn't any reason why it shouldn't be discussed, especially because you just "don't want to think about it". Religion doesn't have much to do with it honestly. Yeah most religions (I imagine) deem murder or killing wrong but it is probably the most common ethic as well. 99% of people you ask would tell you "murder" is wrong. The question is: "Is abortion murder or not?" Not, "Is murder wrong or not?" So it isn't really a religious thing which I can agree could get messy. So all of you saying to just not go there, ignoring the problem won't fix it. I'm not saying discussing it on an MC forums will fix it either but in real life you should share your opinions because we all have em and a lot of us have good ones that need to be said.
    Gawadrolt, Equinox_Boss and UltiPig like this.
  12. Let's not go there. This should stay political, abortion is still a whole other controversy.
    Kephras likes this.
  13. Maybe an EMC update error, but your reply ended up in my inbox, even though it directed to cowland123.

    Strange huh?
    nuclearbobomb likes this.
  14. Do you really want to light that particular bonfire?

    I could tear that statement apart six ways from Sunday and I'm not even pro-choice, per se, but I think it's best we simply pretend you didn't go there. Suffice to say, the issue is not as black and white as you might wish, there's a whole heap of gray hues in between.

    Moving on...
  15. Ya that is odd.
  16. I'm a moderate on abortion. An old white guy shouldn't be deciding what a woman can do with her body. The abortion should be legal up to 23 weeks (I believe) before the nervous system is developed, so it's painless for the fetus. After that, it should be up to the states' discretion.

    Abortion is a political subject.
  17. Unfortunately, it's also a religious subject, veering into arguments based around whether life begins when "x" develops or at the moment of conception. EMC might be capable of discussing politics with relative civility, but religious debates always get ugly. Best to just let that one go.
    607, IsaacNorman and Shadow_Dcord like this.

  18. You both are correct:

    Abortion is certainly a political issue, and it is certainly a religious issue.

    HOWEVER, I believe it would be very inappropriate if it were discussed, on all places, a kid-friendly Minecraft server's forums...
    607, UltiPig, Shadow_Dcord and 2 others like this.
  19. Indeed, it'd be best to stay away from such topics for now! :)
  20. I'm not sure if this link will work, someone let me know. As far as abortion... our corporate overlords in power have said it is ok. They have said a lot of things are ok... doesn't make it morally right. Which is what our law should be more concerned with than semantics or religion, which could often times be considered pretty much the same thing. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. For our favorite flip flopping hollywood actor, again please let me know if it works:

    Kephras likes this.
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