[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. Not what I meant.
  2. Oh. Okay.
  3. What do you think each candidate can bring to the country?
    - I say Donald Trump and Hillary both bring things to the table, but each one has a different way of going about things. However, I think Hillary brings a lot of shadiness to the table while Donald Trump doesn't have all the scandals plaguing him like Clinton. I think they both could get the job done, but I think Trump would just do it better.
    What do you like/dislike most about Donald Trump?
    - I like his political incorrectness. He is straight forward, tells it like it is, he has the right values, he will make America what it should be, he will fix America because I think the best kinds of presidents are businessmen, and I think even though he has a lack of political experience, it wont hinder him from being a good president. He will make America great again. The only real downside to Trump is that he doesn't exactly have a solid plan to make those things a reality because he needs to have the advisers tell him the real situation once he gets into office.
    What do you like/dislike most about Hillary Clinton?
    - Even though I support Trump, there are positives to Clinton. She has years of experience under her belt, she knows the system better than anyone, she is popular and well known (in good and bad ways), and her husband was the president at one time. What I dislike, and what I cannot look past to cast my vote for her, is how she has changed her opinions and said things she doesn't believe in just to receive votes. She once said that she believed marriage was supposed to be between a man and a women, but once she started running for president, she suddenly was pro-gay marriage. It doesn't matter to me personally if gay marriage is legal or not, but it just seems shady and strange that she did that. There are TONS of other examples of shadiness like her emails, Benghazi, etc, but I wont list them all here.
    Have you been keeping up with Political news?
    - Absolutely. I read the news every day for more political insight. Like just yesterday Clinton fainted from the heat at the 9/11 memorial. She went to pay her respects and when she was getting into her van, she fainted.
    What would you like to see happen to improve the United States?
    - I want to see the United States be viewed as a world power. I want us to have a very strong military presence, I want us to immediately invade and destroy terrorism no matter where it is occurring the moment it starts occurring and to be directly involved in it (because ISIS has been around for FAR too long because of the cowardice of Obama and his administration to put our boots on the ground), I want us to make allies with other strong nations like Russia and China and not to make trouble with them like the Obama administration has done, and I want America to be centered more around fixing the problems here at home rather than worrying about problems around the world that don't even concern us. There are tons of problems here with unemployment, huge national debt, veterans, elderly, etc that America should be focused on.
    These are all just my opinions on the matter. If anything I said needs to be clarified, please let me know. I love politics and discussing them with people. I am moderate in my views, but I do tend to lean towards the Republicans more than the Democrats just due to how the morals and values align for the parties. :)
    TotoStyle likes this.
  4. Hey, that's almost exactly what I wouldn't want, interesting.
  5. Huh, Soul, where did your post go?
    Edit: it's back, scroll down a few posts.
  6. What about Trumps racist tendencies and foreign policy that is just extremely backwards?

    "Right values", see quote above.

    Hardly say that's political news.

    You can't just destroy terrorism. It is not a being, a place, a cult or anything physical. It's a thought-process. You can attempt to stop the terrorists groups which form from the idea of terrorism, but you can never truly stop terrorism.

    Having a strong military presence will piss both China and Russia off. China is in it for trade and money. By having a big military and causing conflict, China will not be happy. They're annoyed at North Korea for testing nuclear weapons, imagine how annoyed they'll be when the USA starts kicking up wars willynilly.

    Russia wants the exact same thing you want. Military presence and to be viewed as a world power.

    Isn't that what the Obama Administration has been doing?
    mba2012, God_Of_Gods and SoulPunisher like this.
  7. I don't mean in terms of the voters going for Trump because of her health, but what if this develops into something more serious? All politics aside, pneumonia isn't something to be taken too lightly, as it can get worse and cripple one's health even further.

    Running as a presidential candidate, especially against Trump, being attacked for being a woman (and lots of other things too...), isn't what one can say is "stress-free".... I really do hope that she gets better.
    God_Of_Gods likes this.

    • The United States is more powerful than the great powers (China, Russia, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, France) put together. They're probably tenfolds more powerful than the only other superpower on the planet right now (if you look at it that way) - the European Union. The United States absolutely is a world power. Not sure what you mean by 'I want it to be'.
    • You already have a strong military presence. One so large that most people actually consider it a force for evil and invasive - take a look at Scotland refusing to allow a US nuclear base (or maybe it was a military base, no idea) near them. America wanting to display how strong it is has done nothing but make people hate them - off the top of my head, the only country I can think of that actually likes the US doing this stuff is Albania, and I'm sure we all know why that is (hint: they're greedy and hunger to steal land from other countries but can't do it themselves, so they get other countries to waste their soldiers for them and give nothing back but insulting these same countries when that happens :D).
    • The US's 'invade and destroy terrorism' methods have done nothing so far but create more terrorism, send countries into crippling debt, and creates more ethnic conflicts than there already is. When America gets involved, they succeed in their goal, leave without a plan and get surprised when it all goes to shit. Obama not putting your boots on the ground is probably for the better.
    • Russia and China will never get along with the US. History has proven time and time again the most powerful countries in the world will never get along - a prime example being the UK and Germany... look at how that turned out.
    • 'America being centred around fixing problems at home than around the world that don't concern us'... so thereby going against everything else you said in this post?...
    God_Of_Gods, nfell2009 and 607 like this.
  8. Here's how the USA actually caused ISIS and more :)

    SoulPunisher likes this.
  9. Wanting illegal immigrants out of America is not racist. They should not be here. They came here illegally and they should be deported. He just wants to crack down on them and not grant them amnesty like Obama is doing which is just ignoring and instigating the problem further.
    Alright mrs. critic, that was just an example of an article I read on Clinton the other day. Here is one more "political" for you. I read 3 days ago that Republicans have had an influx of new voters registering as Republican that has not been seen since 2012. Here is the link to the article.
    You are exactly right, but you are wrong on one thing. Terrorism CAN be destroyed because it is a mind-set. Ideas can be destroyed if you eliminate those that share in those ideas. Ideas can also be 'discouraged'. Terrorism will continue to exist, yes, but ISIS can be destroyed. If we show the world we DO NOT put up with terrorism and we destroy new groups of terrorists the moment they form and reach public eye, then it will be less likely to form the next time because terrorists will FEAR us. That is what I am saying. They should fear us and not the other way around. If we are not intimidated by them, then we beat terrorism.
    We aren't going to be respected and viewed as a world power AND keep everyone happy at the same time. That isn't really plausible nor probable.
    I am not sure what you mean by our military presence will piss Russia and China off. I stated in my opinions that I wanted America to be allies with them. They should welcome our military presence as we welcome theirs. We would be allies in fighting terrorism and unifying the world through alliances which would also prevent war. I also highly doubt the U.S. is going to just start wars by having a military presence in the countries.
    North Korea is a joke and I am surprised that they have survived this long. I forgot to mention that in my opinions on Trump. He is going to take out North Korea as it should have been done LONG ago when Kim Jong Un took office. He is a threat, a wimpy one, but still a threat and should be eliminated. It would be easy and quick. Instead of shaking our finger at him, we should be pointing to our arsenal and asking him, "You sure about this?"
    Lastly, since Russia has the same ideals as us in terms of military presence and being viewed as a world power, we can use that to become long lasting allies. Plain and simple. Not to mention the fact that Putin likes Donald Trump already. So that would be all too easy to form an alliance should Trump be elected.
    Yes, he is trying very hard to fix issues here at home. But he is doing it horribly wrong and wasting trillions of dollars doing it. First of all, he has spent more money than ALL PAST PRESIDENTS COMBINED! So, there is obviously a problem with that. Second, not all of those statistics you have shown above are positives or even have anything to do with his presidency. I'll give some examples. The federal spending for example has increased 11%, which is huge. It ties in to my previous statement as well about too much federal spending. Another is the debt has increased 116%. Words cannot describe the failures with that. Food stamp recipients have gone up as well. Which is good because more people can get food, however, it is also bad because that says that there are people in the U.S. who actually need the food stamps to get by. So there is a serious problem with that as well. Consumer prices have also increased because of inflation which is occurring due to the large taxes imposed by Obama. Everything else in the stats is only slightly related to Obama. Its mostly just business fluctuating as usual. America being a capitalist country and all.
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  10. That doesn't even make any sense. ISIS is a radical Islamic group of terrorists that formed in the hole of power left in Syria after we left from there. The video states that. We took out the dictator there and left, however, that created a power struggle and thus formed ISIS. Though, ISIS was around in very small numbers during the Iraq situation with Saddam Hussein, they spread to Syria after the power-hole was left there. So what you say makes no sense at all. Trump was correct in his statement that Obama founded ISIS, because ISIS formed from his decision to pull out of Syria early. End of statement.
  11. ISIS was formed over 2 decades ago. They gained a foothold in Syria and Iraq because the USA got involved. Not because they withdrew. By removing the dictators from both countries, ISIS and others were able to grow as they were once suppressed. The US's meddling with middle-eastern politics caused the power struggle and huge growth in terrorist organisations.
    God_Of_Gods and SoulPunisher like this.
  12. ISIS was formed before the conflicts were over, yes. But they were unable to grow BECAUSE of the U.S.'s presence in those countries. They had no foothold until we left. If we had stayed and put the right people into power with a strong presence, terrorism would not have arisen. We removed the dictators from the countries because they were oppressive and it was the right thing to do. If we had left the evil dictators in power, they may have grown and started the next world war. It is better to cut out evil early and not let it grow. Look at WW2 for examples of how wagging your fingers at evil people does not stop them from spreading and doing what they want.

    EDIT: Although putting the 'right people' into power was not our job. Its not our country to fix or not fix. We left it up to the citizens of Iraq and Syria and they fell due to terrorism. That's it. You can blame the US for that, but ultimately, it is Iraq and Syria's fault that ISIS is there.
  13. Besides, if we had left them in power, then we would not be hearing about ISIS in the news, we would be hearing about Saddam Hussein or we would be hearing about the Syrian dictator Bashar. So pick your poison.
    TotoStyle likes this.
  14. We might be 'more powerful' already, but we certainly aren't treated like it. That's what I mean. China is hacking us and their economy is growing from our involvement and ours is not. Russia is not respecting our power and continues to act on its own accord. We have to crack down on them and reach some kind of agreement that both countries can agree on.

    We do have military presence around the world, that is true, yes some countries hate us being there, but they are just upset that we are more powerful than them. That's all it really is. Our presence, though they may hate it, is beneficial for everyone because we are preventing the next world war by showing how vastly powerful we are. They should make allies with us and work with us to better help everyone. It is in our best interest to 'watch over the world'.

    So, what you are saying is we should leave terrorism alone? Good plan. I hope you cheer when ISIS beheads people, cause that is what you will continue to see if we allow them to exist. Its not our problem to 'fix' their country. We are there to eliminate the threats to us and our allies. That's it. Its up to their governments and people to 'fix' the country. If terrorism comes back in a new form, we will get rid of it there as well.

    If you have that mind-set about Russia and China we certainly will never get along with them. There is always a way to negotiate with the world powers to get something we want from each other. Plain and simple. Trump will do that.

    I am not saying completely ignore the world, but Im saying America needs to be more focused on US rather than on fixing the economies of 3rd world countries and countries like Greece. Its their problem to fix or not to fix. We can help out here and there, but ultimately, it should not be our concern. I know that sounds harsh, but that's reality.
  15. I don't think that's how terrorism works. If we we destroy new groups of terrorists the moment they form and reach public eye, the remaining people will get enraged and will form new groups. Terrorists don't have fear, because they've seen too much, and the anger way outlives the fear. And 'destroying' groups of terrorists will only make the anger more and the fear less.
  16. I don't like Trump or Hillary, but like I said, in my opinion Trump would be better
  17. >didn't get replied to
    Obama was not the founder of ISIS lmao. If you're going with that logic, I'd say George W. Bush is more of the founder of ISIS than anyone else.
    I don't get it.

    What else was someone supposed to do in World War II? Invade Germany - probably the second most powerful country in the world at that point and start a world war anyway? Assassinate Hitler and let someone smarter take his place (Germany only lost because of poor leadership)? Get involved when Czechoslovakia was invaded, which was fairly impossible because nobody supported doing that and nobody was ready to go to war? There really was no other option than to wag fingers.

    Like I said, don't get your point.
    607 likes this.
  18. Terrorists are called "Terror"ists because they feed off of terror. They have no power unless we give it to them. Terrorists are people. People feel fear. Don't be mistaken. Trump actually talks about that very thing long ago. Though it may have been harsh, he is correct. They are people too and they care about things. If we want them to fear us and not vice-versa, we need to show military might and wipe them out. All of them. Use our allies as well to show its not just us that wont stand for them. If they still don't fear us, well, then I hope they are ready to meet their jihadist 'God'.
  19. They were unable to grow because of suppression from the dictators! The original group is over 20 years old and ISIS was formed officially back in 1999, way before the US had any involvement in the middle east. They couldn't grow because of the dictators of middle-eastern countries preventing them too. The US disrupted what was going on.

    In regards to your edit, you've literally just contradicted yourself (again). "Its not our country to fix or not fix.", yet stopping an oppressive regime is yours to fix? What? Make your mind up! Either get involved and follow through or stay out of it.

    Suppression and oppression are both bad, however, the way the dictators were going meant that ISIS was unable grow. Once the US had left this opened up an easy way for ISIS to grow plus the added value that a lot of middle-eastern countries are now annoyed that US for their involvement. The US failed at stopping a rise up of terrorist activity by instead making it a lot worse as the US did not think about the consequences of meddling with a sensitive system such as middle-eastern political structures.

    China is not hacking you. People in Chain are hacking businesses and other people. Like the US hacks other countries and plants spies in countries which have quite a bit of global respect (like they did to Germany like a year or two ago). Russia won't respect the US because the US won't respect Russia. Putin wants what is best for Russia and won't just step down for no reason.

    Countries don't want the US near them in anyway because the US typically causes more war than it prevents or ends. The US certainly isn't watching over the world, but instead ensuring its best interests are followed through with. The US's presence is fearful to many countries who don't want war.

    If you had left the middle-east to itself, then there wouldn't be this huge terrorist culture there. And like I said, YOU CANNOT STOP TERRORISM. Seriously. There are terrorist groups all around the world that hate not only the US, but loads of other countries.

    Or end up offending them enough that they don't want to deal with the US in the slightest? The US is testing China's patience with their sea borders that are near China. How long will it take Trump it push the border fight with China to the max and start a war off of that?

    The US didn't get involved with the Greek debt crisis. The other Eurozone members (mainly Germany), bailed them out. You're also (again, again and again) contradicting yourself. You want the US to focus on the US, but want to get involved in other countries over terrorism.

    Fear doesn't solve anything. Fear creates more terrorism. When people begin to truly fear the US, then that is when they'll strike back. People don't want to live in a fear based society of what the US wants. Attacks like 9/11 will happen again if that's what you want.
    God_Of_Gods likes this.
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