[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. >Implying it was stopped in the first place.
    mba2012 likes this.
  2. I don't disagree but I believe this is a way of seeing into Trump's soul. And it's not about his language, it's about him not having any respect or empathy or caring towards his fellow human beings.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  3. I got a "Do you trust Hillary" ad on this thread :eek: hahah!
    AGamerCalledBen likes this.
  4. From what I've seen, Hillary doesn't really have much of this either. At times, she comes across as a total sociopath to me.

    Then again, so does Donald lol
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  5. [have not gone through the comments]

    I'll start this by saying I'm not of age. Feel free to not read past this point and accuse me of being some 2nd grader, but I just want to say this to begin with.

    Neither of the now-candidates are very..."presidential," if you will. I believe that neither one of them are the best choice, but I do believe Hillary will do a far better job than Trump will.

    Let's start with Hillary, shall we? She is NOT an "unconvicted felon," as many like to say, but the whole thing about her private email server does already add some skepticism as how she will be as the president. However, the things that matter are present in her candidacy, such as equal rights for gays, funding for Planned Parenthood which helps millions of women across the country raise a child well. A side note on this, abortion rights is up to the woman to choose, not some white man who does not know anything about being a woman, for obvious reasons. Science is a big issue in this election as well. Global warming is one of the biggest threats this world faces, and as much as I don't like Hillary, she believes in the obvious scientific evidence of this. Vaccinations are an essential part of any kid, and to deny this using the argument that they cause autism is wrong, and the pathetic excuse of a doctor lost his licence after publishing that paper. I have no choice in getting vaccines due to my mother making those choices, but I have zero issue with getting a small needle poked into me to inject a potentially live-saving medicine. Hillary Clinton accepts and encourages both the
    prevention of global warming and would make law the requirement to vaccinate children.

    Gun control, ah yes. Considering the fact that people are able to purchase weapons with ease, these mass shootings we have is not a coincidence. The fact that any ol' joe, even on the no fly list, where terrorists are, can buy a gun is nonsense. More control is the only way we can accomplish this, contrary to what the NRA believes (funny, huh). If people are subjected to a background check, psychological evaluation, screening, and training, the amount of dangerous people buying guns would drop dramatically.

    Donald Trump's xenophobia and racism still baffles me as how this man has almost half of the country behind him. Should we recall where he said a judge of Mexican descent could not deliver a fair ruling on his "university," simply because he is Mexican? Or banning an entire religion from entering this country? Here are the Islamic laws of war. Hasn't ISIS broken every single one? http://1000gooddeeds.com/2012/11/20/10-islamic-rules-of-war/ Now please, tell me how "I'm a Muslim" = "I am a member of ISIS! Death to America!" after evaluation of these laws.

    Trump doesn't feel taxes on the extremely wealthy are necessary to help our middle class, and more importantly our college students. Let's do an investigation? Is Trump extremely wealthy? Yes! Problem solved.

    A final note on the rights of gays. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of "race, color, or natural origin." Notice how this does not include sexual preference or gender identity. In July 2015, same sex marriage was made legal across the nation, and I'm sorry if homophobic people think otherwise. This is not gay privilege, just like how heterosexual people marrying is not heterosexual privilege. Gay privilege would be gays not paying taxes, like churches don't. Religion should have zero part in your effort to enforce and write the laws of the United States; it should not and does not belong in the United States Congress.

    Feel free to hate on me.
  6. I am trying very hard not to come across as a Hillary lover, I'm a Trump really disliker. I believe Hillary to be greedy and power hungry, both traits of pretty much all politicians. She has also displayed very poor judgement in a couple of very well publicized situations. But I have to ask, what has she done that you would call her a sociopath?
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  7. I got asked today "what do you think of Nigel Farage appearing with Donald Trump at a rally?". Hillary puts this across much better than I can. Props to her for saying what a British politician wouldn't say about him also.

    He rode the waves of nationalism, sold his leave campaign on 'stop the Muslim refugees and the Polish, the Romanians, etc. ('racism' against other whites is a European thing, might seem weird to Americans lol) getting in and stealing jobs!', and called the vote 'British Independence Day' (we already have two of those, and its disgraceful to call it that when we enslaved nearly half the world for centuries and we were already independent in the first place). He then goes into the European Parliament and relentlessly slanders them, and I recall him picking on people for their nationalities also. The fact that Trump would choose to appear with him speaks volumes about what he is, as Hillary said.
    Sociopath was the entirely wrong word. I have no idea what I said that. It was 12AM, I'd had an hour and a half of sleep, got exam results, wasn't thinking straight.

    I meant that she comes across as almost ridiculously fake and is, obviously, a liar. She just comes across like there's no meaning behind anything she says. I've seen politicians, and I've seen it when they lie or clearly don't mean what they say - I've just never really seen it in the level I see it in Hillary before.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  8. 10 weeks left... Oh boy... :\

  9. Very interesting points, I think what you said is super cool. The snip from you that I quoted brings up an interesting argument. I just wanted to share an article to hopefully shed some light on why Trump would claim why a Mexican judge couldn't declare a fair ruling on his University. Essentially, Obama appointed Judge Curiel to the Trump Univerity case, and that Judge is also a member a pro-latino group (La Raza) which "is the USA's largest Latino nonprofit advocacy organization. It advocates in favor of progressive public policy changes including immigration reform, a path to citizenship, and reduced deportations." (wikipedia) Put yourself in Judge Curiel's place, and you can see how tempting it is to deliver an unfair/misguided trial to the Republican Presidential candidate who is running on the platform of removing illegal immigrants from USA. All facts aside, I do have faith in the US judicial system, and I would like to believe that Judge Curiel is an honest man and would not run a biased trial. All if not for Supreme Court Justice (yes, Supreme Court) Sonya Sotomayor, who said in a 2001 speech that she hopes that Latin and white judges would come to different conclusions in cases, i.e., the Supreme Court Justice condones that Judges make decisions based on race. Now what kind of racial equality are we fighting for? What kind?

    Alright. So is it ok for a Mexican Judge who knows nothing about being a millionaire and running a business to release a verdict against a very successful business man? Do you see where I'm getting at? Do you see where Trump is getting at? Bear with me for a moment, and imagine Trump as a mother who wants an abortion, for his specific reasons, but a Mexican Judge who knows nothing about Trump's lifestyle except that he does not like it makes a verdict against the abortion. As you can see, this is Trump vs Curiel is a very similar scenario to the one you described about pro-choice.

    I must be wrong, inherently, for nothing in politics is right. But I hope after reading this, you take a moment to step back and think if the roles had been reversed (a white judge presiding over a Mexican), would you believe it fair for the Mexican to request another Judge?

    I hope this was informative! Please let me know where I am wrong. :)

  10. This sounds just a tab bit condescending. Don't you think?

    Another conservative publication. Why is that that whenever a republican wants prove a point they refer to some obscure hyper right wing article to prove it? Why can nothing ever be found in established mainstream media to support their positions? You know media that requires real supported fact and not just speculation they can present as truth.

    Along with Trump conspiracy theories on why he couldn't get a fair trial with that judge. More recently he has said that if he loses the election it could only be that it is "fixed", "rigged". Another conspiracy with the conservatives. Obviously, it could never be that more Americans didn't want him as president than did? Right? That would be impossible. It would have to be a liberal conspiracy of somehow changing the thousands of election poll boxes across the US. As an educated American moderate all the republican conspiracy theorys to explain why things go bad for them is really getting monotonous.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  11. I
    I always forget that you Americans find that flag offensive England uses it as the symbol for country and western music
    TromboneSteve likes this.
  12. It is a symbol used by racist and white supremacist groups. You have to remember it was the battle flag used by an army fighting to get a certain race of human beings as slaves.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  13. Don't forget the swastika was a symbol used in Asia and the nazi salute being the roman salute things are different from different angles
  14. I think Clinton is less of a lunatic than Trump is. She's still crazy, and has some bad bits, but I would never vote for Trump. I will say that I will not be voting for either of them though, as I have not reached the age of 18.
  15. So much for using the term "American Dream", Trump and Hillary... (Both have used that term...)

    I hear that so much, it seems that no one knows what the "American Dream" is anymore; used in so many ways and in so many different contexts that it just seems like a made-up word to please the masses of America...

    God, I cannot believe that's still a thing being used to leverage campaigns these days...
  16. Anyone see one of the newest bizarre situations with Trump. Who knows who Roger Isles is? The was the President of Fox News. A huge conservative news network. He was recently forced to resign as it came out he had been forcing young women to have sex with him to get jobs. This lecherous old man told these young women if they didn't have sex with him they wouldn't get the job. He is a complete sicko. After that it came out that at this conservative news station there was a culture of sexually harassing young women and intimidating them into doing things they didn't want to do. Well, Trump hired these horrendous predator to help him with the debates. Apparently, Trump feels there was nothing wrong with what he did. What is going on here? I am dumbfounded how anyone could have any respect for Trump on any level.
  17. #TrumpIsADump2k16
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  18. Trump's going to Mexico...

    This is the most ironic idea I've seen him have, ever...
    AGamerCalledBen likes this.
  19. How so?
    From what I've heard him say, he only dislikes the illegal immigrants coming into the US. These are mostly, if not all, Mexicans, so it may seems he dislikes Mexico and it's residents, but I don't think he has ever said he has a problem with Mexico.
    If I'm wrong, please tell me, as I am not an American citizen and am not in total touch with US politics. But if you do, please provide actual evidence.
    607 likes this.
  20. The president of Mexico could be offended when Trump said that Mexican coming to the US were a bunch of drug dealers and rapists. I know he didn't like the idea that Mexico was going to pay for a wall as Trump said they would. When asked if Mexico was going to pay for Trump's wall his response was, "We're not paying for no f****** wall". Relations could be a tab bit strained.
    TuckerAmbr, TotoStyle and IsaacNorman like this.
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