[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. Trump's wall will destroy the economy.

    Hillary didn't kill the men in Ben Ghazi, the Congress ( mainly Obama ) decided to let them die.
    IamTheNub likes this.
  2. The government is not spreading anti-EU propaganda at all. They are campaigning for the UK's standing within the European Union to be improved, and for our culture and country to be treated more fairly - the Tories being Tories, however, completely messed that up and just benefited themselves off it rather than leading change for the EU (something they've needed to realise for a while - just because they're trying to create a common cultural identity as 'European' doesn't mean there's still not thousands of cultures there who have been historical enemies or do things differently). They're campaigning to stay in the EU and get these terms they've negotiated - if a 'Brexit' is accomplished, David Cameron will have to resign as Prime Minister which I could put the Tories out of power if another election had to be called.

    First of all, the Syrian Civil War needs to be resolved: give military support to the rebels and help them win the war, or let Assad and Russia do their thing and kill them all. Assuming a US-led coalition wins and Assad's regime is toppled, only then is ISIS going to be able to properly assaulted and destroyed. Whoever is installed in this government is also going to have to appeal to both sides of the Muslim religion residing within Syria, otherwise the whole situation is just going to repeat itself after a few years and you'll have something worse than ISIS to deal with.
    Mexico had a war with France just because they didn't want to pay for cakes, and on top of that their country is in pretty much shambles at the moment - I don't know how on Earth Trump expects them to be able to pay for a US-constructed wall.
    IamTheNub and medicohotpants like this.
  3. Eating popcorn wondering if it all last. Is anyone learning anything?
    Gawadrolt and IamTheNub like this.
  4. I have a headache so reading is difficult right now, but I would just like to point out that the USA has been helping create terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS through its actions in the middle east since as far back as the cold war and as recently as the early 2000s. I'm sure there are also many people across the world that would see the US Military as a terrorist group itself thanks to its actions.

    Also, for those of you bringing the bible and religion into the conversation, I would like to point out that the constitution itself has a segment dedicated to the separation of church and state. Bringing religion into our government is not only entirely unnecessary but also unconstitutional. In any case, this nation was NOT founded based on any sort of religious beliefs. If anything, you could argue that it was founded more on greed and genocide, given how many millions of First Nations people died while this section of the continent was being settled by Europeans. Just sayin...
  5. Ill comment on the Mexico thing. Perhaps Trump thinks he can threaten Mexico with trade. The US bought 78% of Mexico's exports in 2012. Cut that off and Mexico's economy is toast. Unless they found buyers very rapidly, but we're the only ones with an okay economy ( fed reserve is on rate hike path not negative rates like a lot of others) . Maybe China would step in and partner with Mexico. Boy that situation is in uncharted waters. Who knows?
    IamTheNub likes this.
  6. He spent nearly a year in Syria, and then came back into the country with the flood of refugees. He would've been screened by French Government officials had he not come back into the country with a flood of refugees. And they weren't all French, but they were all European.

    Did you listen to the whole speech? He was on the topic of illegal immigration, and later clarified in a debate that he was speaking about illegal aliens.

    Because he's pretty damn good at running his big company. He has also been trying to get the Republican party behind him for some time, but the establishment has continually denounced him.

    I'll just assume that all of this is in reference to what I've said.
    I never said anything about skin color or religion. I said the people who come from terror states. In the cold war, would it have been so wrong to say no to Russian immigrants who we couldn't do any background checks on because we are at war with their country, so they can't come in until they've been properly screened? No. We are in a war against terror, whether you agree with it or not. I never said we should deny people with brown skin or Muslims. People can't change the way they look, and should never try to tear someone away from their religion.
    Yes, but that's domestic terror. That's different, and hard to stop... It's also a totally different issue. And, just as a fun fact, over 70% of Americans call themselves Christians, whilst less than 20% regularly attend church. And yes, it was beside the point.
    Again, you're accusing those of us who are for a short pause from immigration of being racists. No, this isn't racism. This is common sense, not allowing possibly dangerous self proclaimed enemies of our nation into our nation.

    You claim to feel the need to facepalm when you read this. I feel the need to facepalm when, rather than reading my arguement, you resort to essentially calling me a racist after I have clearly stated that the ban should have nothing to do with the color of your skin or the God you believe in, but the fact that you are coming from a known terror state that the USA is actively waging a war against. So please, read what I write and give it a little thought. I will and have given the same to you.
    IamTheNub likes this.
  7. I'm not getting into this discussion (not at this time anyway) but I do want to thank all of you guys for sharing your opinion. As someone who doesn't live in the US (but who is interested in the opinions of others) I actually like and appreciate getting this opportunity to read all those opinions of others. Especially you guys and gal's who live in the States.

    After reading the first 5 pages (I'm slowly catching up, taking my time because I actually read every post) I do want to make 1 comment.

    This is just my opinion (so I'm not going to discuss it).... If someone has an outspoken opinion, you give counter arguments only to get this feeling that they're ignoring what you said to them then really... no need to press on. I read some arguments I completely disagreed with in this thread, but could still appreciate because it gave me a good insight on how other people felt about certain issues and topics.

    Sometimes it's really not that bad to agree that you disagree on things. Since we're talking politics: sometimes its best to let your voice heard where it counts: in the voters booth.

    But yeah, as an outsider I appreciate this thread. Tomorrow I'll continue reading again.
    Echelon815, 607 and IamTheNub like this.
  8. Please, guys, could we stop with this political stuff? I have been driven crazy by this at school, on the tv, on the news, everywhere. Who cares if Trump builds the great wall of America? My opinion on this is to just end all this politicial stuff, and live a happy life flying drones.
    IamTheNub likes this.
  9. The problem is, without politics, you wouldn't be living a happy life.
    607, SoulPunisher and IamTheNub like this.
  10. ;-;
    IamTheNub likes this.
  11. That's why this is all contained to one thread. Whether you're tired of hearing about it or not, this election season is VERY important and having an open forum like this promotes healthy discussion.

    I hate to be "that guy" but if you don't want to read the political stuff, the best you can do is to avoid the thread!
    Echelon815, ChickenDice, 607 and 4 others like this.
  12. Politics aren't offensive as a whole, so unfollow the thread and leave it be.
    607 and IamTheNub like this.
  13. Well, I wasnt directing my comments directly at you. Not in the least bit. It was more of a blanket statement to everyone who is stating that we need to restrict those "from terror states."

    First off, Terrorism... is terrorism. Whether it be internal or external. From "terror states" or home grown. When people say "we need to restrict entry from this specific country", yes... I will call prejudice. However, when someone says "let's keep X group from entering the United States because of Y reason", then yes... I will not essentially call that person a racist, I will blatantly do it.

    This nation's principals for the last 150-200 years was take in those that need it. A place of freedom. A place someone can go to escape the tyranny of monarchs and religion. Inscribed upon the statue of liberty is the poem:

    Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breath free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, the tempest-tossed to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

    This does NOT mean keep out those that scare us.

    One final note... we are not actively waging war on any given country. We are waging war on "terrorism"... whatever that means. If the US declared war on a particular nation then yes... keep them from entering.
  14. I knew this would happen, bye

    IamTheNub likes this.
  15. Okay, so be it. I feel as if I've argued my point as far as I need to to thoroughly communicate it. But let me ask you, assuming you live in a city, - Would you want unchecked immigrants around you and your family? Would you not be concerned about the security of your family? I don't think that anyone should be allowed in until we know who they are... The refugees don't have passports or anything. It could be absolutely anyone who just has to say that they are a Syrian refugee. Doesn't that concern you?
    IamTheNub likes this.
  16. I meant criminals duh!
    IamTheNub likes this.
  17. Since Trump hates me for my beliefs, if he gets elected would it be safer to move to Canada or UK?
    IamTheNub and ShelLuser like this.
  18. It depends on whether you like the French or not :p
    607, IamTheNub, ShelLuser and 2 others like this.
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