[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. I've got a standing invitation to some closet space in AUS so that's gonna be my destination. Maybe I'll finally get a tan! ;)
    IamTheNub and Dr_Chocolate14 like this.
  2. No opinion. Don't really know anyone French.
    IamTheNub likes this.

  3. I live in Texas. I have unchecked immigrants around me and my family on a daily basis. The security of my family has nothing to do with people coming into the country. I'm more concerned about the current citizens of America that wish to do me harm. I've been held up a few times... never by an "unchecked immigrant." I've had someone burglar my house when I lived in a "not-so-safe" area of Dallas... the perpetrator was a US citizen, born and bred.
  4. ^^^
    IamTheNub likes this.
  5. Despite those political climates being vastly different from each other(Hitler was elected while ISIS has risen up and pushed the government away by force) I don't really understand your point. This won't become WW3. ISIS is a relatively well organized yet still untrained force(just watch some combat footage on YouTube) and at this point most western nations have given military or diplomatic support to the fight against them. Unfortunately we can't just destroy them as when you do this groups such as ISIS or the Taliban will band together and simply start the cycle over again. Believe it or not the Middle East was a semi-functional area in the world for quite a long time. It wasn't democratic maybe, but I guess that simply proves to us that a dictator is much more effective at keeping these groups in line. When you get into a dependency for foreign military aid like Iraq now finds itself in, once these forces pull out the government will simply be overthrown again. We saw it in Vietnam and in the mess in Afghanistan, when we take ISIS down we need to have a bit more of a plan then trying to do what we have done in the past.
  6. IMO Vietnam was different. That wasn't an attempt to save anyone but themselves. It was an attempt to stop communism from spreading because the government was scared of it.
    Empire_Rule likes this.
  7. I think you got that backwards. Also, dim you can just ignore this thread if it upsets you; -)

    Edit: wars waged on ideology or money? Was Vietnam about heroin or about the red boogeyman? Hmmm. Let's look at death rates of overdoses on heroin in the past 100 years. All of a sudden the whole commie gag sounds a lot like weapons of mass destruction... if you get my drift ;-)
  8. No separation of church and state is literally in the constitution.
    First Amendment: Establishment clause. It basically says that the US Government cannot identify with any religion.
    It wasn't originally in the constitution (because it's an amendment) but the same founding fathers created this amendment.

    If you take any basic US government class you would understand thsi
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  9. As someone who lives in a very ethnically diverse city filling up with refugees (your 'unchecked immigrants) in the UK, I don't mind them lol. They're mostly just regular people. The news tries to make out like they're all rapists and murderers, but they're really, really, reaaalllyyy not all like that. You don't even notice them most of the time.
    607 likes this.
  10. I was referring more to the Americans pulling out and the country getting squashed.

  11. and 18 minutes of stupid

    and the last of my favorites, the one whose greatest accomplishment is bagging this guy

    Don't forget this guys brother wants your love too

    So please dear god, tell me how amazing all these idiots are.
  12. So spreading blankets with the smallpox virus and giving it to them is not trying to infect them?
  13. and lets not forget that this agent of these other idiots

    thinks that this genius is going to be our next president

    Meanwhile this scum is laughing at all of them and you

    while these people are getting the real deal of a lifetime

    all of this and guess what... your vote doesn't even matter. because

    so please continue the hate towards one another because your clown has better make up :D cheers.
  14. Understand that I know that the vast majority of refugees are good, normal people who have to flee Isis. I understand that few of them are rapists and murderers, and while that's terrible, rapists and murderers can come from any part of the world. I am not overly concerned, at this point at least, about the refugees just being "bad people". There are bad people everywhere, I get that. I am concerned about the Islamic extremists who will meet and launch an organized attack that aims to kill as many innocent people as possible.
  15. Gotta tell ya, I do hate the "We stole the land from the Native Americans" line. Really? Which one of the people here at EMC or in the entire world for that matter was around when those events occurred? Why should people alive today hold the collective guilt of their forebears? How far back does the concept of collective guilt even go?

    News flash, nearly every single speck of inhabitable land on this planet has been occupied by more than one culture at some point. The Aztecs moved into central Mexico and enslaved all the tribes around them, using them as human sacrifices to their gods. Should modern day Mexicans with Aztec heritage feel guilty about that and owe a debt? The Turkish tribes from Central Asia invaded Anatolia and wiped out the Byzantine Empire which had been around for hundreds of years. Should modern day Turkey feel guilty about that and give their land to the most direct descendants of the Byzantines in Greece? Islamic armies surged out of the Arabian Peninsula in the 600s and wiped out entire civilizations across thousands of miles of territory from the Atlantic Ocean, across north Africa, and all the way through India and into southeast Asia. Should modern day Muslims feel guilty about what their ancestors did and return that land?

    I could go on and on citing these kinds of historical references all the way back to the dawn of human civilization. America has no special burden to bear for her sins relative to any other society which has come before it. The focus these days is primarily on the effects of European colonialism because it is simply the most recent example. It also happens to be a very effective political weapon. This whole argument about collective guilt is really nothing more than a clever tool for subverting the idea of national sovereignty when you get down to it. There are those who believe that the entire concept of the nation state is outdated and should be discarded in favor of a globalist outlook. We're seeing the battle between those who favor this position and those against play out not only in the American presidential race but in Europe as well. The United Kingdom has an upcoming referendum as to whether or not they will reassert their national sovereignty and exit the European Union in June.

    Interesting times.
  16. Hm, we have been keeping this quite civil, while there's both politics and religion involved!
    Everyone, we should try to keep it like that! :)
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