[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. Dang it. We're losing hopes for a good president. Trump doesn't look into his plans or ideas. Troops to Syria? Hey, it's not our problem yet. It's better to stay out of that for now.
    gladranger7 likes this.
  2. Hey, it might all be a dog and pony show that when boiled down to it is like changing your skin in minecraft but at least this guy is paying attention to the latest fashion lol. keen eye there lance. I saw you replied and was like, oh no thread down thread down. I think I spoke to myself too soon. I start speaking to myself I might have to run for president of the US. Can't be doing that now. can we? Yes? perhaps so then.
  3. Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.
    Godwin's Law: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.

    And now, I think we can add Krysyy's Law: As a thread page count increases, the likelihood that it will turn biblical increases exponentially.
    Dufne and ChickenDice like this.
  4. american politics confuse me
    communism 1 party no fuss
    england politics-if you want to be a party be a party
  5. Okay, sorry, but I really can't be bothered reading back 11 pages of political stuff today.
    How's it standing? When are the elections?
    IamTheNub likes this.
  6. November is the big election.
    Primaries are currently going on which weeds out people as they go.
    IamTheNub and Goldfish_Cannon like this.
  7. I'm honestly surprised how uninformed some people are. It's sad how many people think all Muslims are bad. Stopping them from entering the US won't do anything. Trump's over the top Islamophobia isn't making things better. Muslims are treated like terrorists IN the US. Muslims are being killed so often everywhere. When I went to my local mosque, we were told to be extra careful, not take the same route to work every day, and to not be alone. That's not what our founding fathers had in vision. Our founding fathers never wanted us to turn our own. Wake up, America.
    gladranger7, SirTah, mba2012 and 6 others like this.
  8. I view Kasich as much more moderate that Rubio, but that's me :)
  9. I meant from the big three candidates. Trump, Cruz, and Rubio. I don't think the rest have their names out there enough to actually get the nomination.
  10. Trump said that he would stop Muslim immigration until there was a solid way to do background checks. If a good background check had been done prior to San Bernardino, 14 innocent Americans wouldn't have been slaughtered. If France hadn't accepted Syrian refugees without proper background checks, 130 people wouldn't have been brutally murdered. Whether you like it or not, poorly overseen immigration of Muslims has caused problems. Trump doesn't advocate being rude to Muslims citizens, so I'm not sure that you can blame that on him...
  11. So how would you identify Muslims? Have us wear something on our clothes? How are you supposed to prove someone's religion?
    Spiritress and 607 like this.
  12. No, just hispanics and ALL women in general.
  13. Uhm, their country of origin? Someone shouldn't be able to fly in from Yemen and be free to roam around in the states, taking into consideration what's happening there. It's not identifying people of the religion, it's identifying people from known terrorist states.
  14. So since my family is from Pakistan, we should all be considered terrorists because there are terrorist groups in our area?
    Spiritress, Dufne and Dektirok like this.
  15. So I like Bernie, while his economic policies are not the strongest by any standards I think I align with him the most socially. That being said at this rate it looks like Hillary will be the nominee. I think Trump is an entertainer who plays on peoples fears and emotions to get votes. His "solutions" to problems aren't grounded in reality and they will ultimately make America seem like even more of a laughing stock to the rest of the world. Even if you don't agree with my views that's fine, but I'm not the only one who feels this way, Mitt Romney (the 2012 republican Nominee) is encouraging people to not vote for Trump and to instead let the establishment decide.
    Dr_Chocolate14 likes this.
  16. So we should lock down certain parts of the world because there is a conflict there? You seem to assume that because someone is from a certain place they have the same ideals as that counties leaders. By this logic you are a democrat :).
    Spiritress and crystaldragon13 like this.
  17. this is what englands population thinks just we cant do anything because of the goverment putting us in the EU against everyones opinions
  18. I'm not endorsing Trump for president, and I don't stand for everything he says he does. I doubt he does either. But, nonetheless, you were wrong. Trump doesn't hate Hispanics. He is against illegal immigration as he should be. After all, it's called illegal immigration for a reason. Trump has done very well with legal Hispanic immigrants, because they suffer from the economic downfall caused by the flood of illegal immigrants just like the rest of us. Just because CNN says "Trump calls Hispanics rapists and murderers" means he hates all people from Latin America. Also, Trump has said demeaning things about women. But, as some say, actions speak louder than words. Hillary Clinton spent masses of time trying to silence the women that her husband, who she remained married to, "had sexual relations" with. Which is more demeaning to women - A man who has said, and has admitted to saying rude things about women, or a woman who has spent years of her life trying to quite the women her husband raped? So, rather than attacking Trump for having slipped up in his last 25 years under constant scrutiny from the media, you should, as Dr_Chocolate14 says, "Choose the lesser of the evils" and realize that, on this particular subject, that isn't Hillary Clinton.
    No, and I didn't say they should be. But should the US grant every Pakistani citizenship? Were we to bring in a ton of Pakistani citizens selected at random, say 1,000,000, into New York City, I can almost guarantee you that you and your family would leave, along with the majority of the city. Because out of those 1,000,000 people, there will be, although but a handful, radical Islamic terrorists. If what I purpose we do is racist and discriminatory as you make it sound, wouldn't you not consider that racist and discriminatory as well? Wouldn't you just be assuming that because they are from Pakistan they are all terrorists? I never said that all Pakistani citizens were terrorists. But there are Pakistani citizens who are terrorists. Say your family was immigrating from Pakistan now. Your family should go through the immigration process, and since San Bernardino proved to us that that process is broken, your family should wait until the process is fixed and safe for the people who are already here in America.
    That's not "my logic" by any means. I think because our system is broken, we should put a hold on immigration from certain regions until a proper background check can be performed. I never said anything about people sharing the ideals of their country leaders. But, I can guarantee you that there are more radical Islamic terrorists in Yemen than "the leader". I can guarantee you there are more Isis Militants than just "the leader" who would jump at the chance to end of the life of an innocent American citizen.

    I don't think we should stop immigration because I hate, or am afraid of the people who want to come over - as a Christian, it's my God given duty to love everyone as I would my own brother. I think we should stop immigration because I love those who are already here in the states, and anyone who truly loves someone would be concerned for their safety. San Bernardino proved that it's not hard to get through the immigration process, so why not hold off for a while and improve the system so those of us who are already here can be confident in our safety and security?
    IamTheNub likes this.
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