[BUILD CONTEST] JustinGuy Tribute

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Just a question (Or two) to help me understand this better:
    1. Do we have to build this on a residence, or can we build it on singleplayer and send you the world file?
    2. Are we only building one of each (One 32x32 and one 30x32)?
  2. Build on EMC only because it gets copied over and importing schematics is not an option.
    You choose which size to build.
  3. Alright. Thanks.
  4. I would like to participate but I think my build is too big. Maybe next time I can design one a bit smaller. Good Luck to all the players that enter!!
  5. Will there ever be an IcecreamCow Tribute? He started EMC too I believe
  6. For now we will focus on only the first owner of EMC, JustinGuy. When this idea was thought of, ICC was still a part of the EMC team. We will likely follow up with one much like it for him, but just not yet.
  7. Seeing as how JustinGuy's skin is the engineer from TF2, I thought a build related to the game might be good.

    I kept seeing many people saying how they forgot about this, but I didn't even know about it until yesterday. Oh well, I still got my build done.
    607, ChickenDice and B4DMAN5IMON like this.
  8. So whats the size?
  9. Nevermind .-.
  10. Hi I'd like to see if the house ( without the pool ) I've built on smp9 at 18524 could be entered? I mention omitting the pool because it over shoots the 32 x 32 area and I built the house before this tribute. Do I have to copy it a file? or maybe could someone look at my res? Please let me know :)
    B4DMAN5IMON likes this.
  11. Just use this form when you are ready to submit your Tribute: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/19_OG54I1A6-zv-gG7wUNlp3nHI38dS60wHQBwaq64QM/viewform
    607 and carolmoss like this.
  12. Hmm this was posted the date of Minecon 2013?
  13. I had to update my profile pic just for this.
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  14. *Feels.

    Also, yes. He and I started it together. :)
  15. its on the front page lol, no need to bump
    wolffpack58 likes this.
  16. Bu not at the top of Recently Active Threads :p
    hashhog3000, TigerstarMC, 607 and 2 others like this.
  17. Krysyyjane bumps threads too?

  18. where's the build at? I'd like to see it first.
    Not that I'm gonna enter anything... no wants to see that. :eek: lol