British People

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Sachrock, Nov 23, 2016.


Are you British?

Yes 34 vote(s) 25.0%
No 102 vote(s) 75.0%
  1. You're Irish? Friend! :D I only knew of one or two other active Irish players besides myself :)
    Silken_thread likes this.
  2. hang on a sec i'll get my 60+ year old Irish granddad to get a mc account

    i mean he left it when he was 16 and came to the UK because he hated the country but that's okay rite
    Sachrock and PetezzaDawg like this.
  3. 10/10 :D
  4. I posted on this thread when it first was made and there is a big difference between me then and now about tea. Then I only drank 3 kinds of tea and now I am addicted to tea and as my mom says "Your drunk on tea again" xD I love tea, tea is life and I will drink any kind of tea (besides that strange ginger tea that broke my tongue during UHC once if anyone remembers that lol). My favourite kind of tea is Earl Grey~!
    607, carolmoss and Sachrock like this.
  5. Went out for a spot of tea today!
  6. What a lovely, calming place!
  7. They serve great cake too :D
    TuckerAmbr and Tbird1128 like this.
  8. Yum cake
    carolmoss likes this.