[AKA] Ask Krysyy Anything 10/9/17

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Oct 9, 2017.

  1. Who? My late family Chihuahua currently holds the highest place in my pet area of the heart. She got me through some tough times and was with us from the start of middle school until I was married. You don't forget a pet that always seemed to know when you felt stressed or sad. She always just knew what to do and where she was needed.
    MoreMoople, PhoenixAffinity and 607 like this.
  2. Online actually. I had just got out of an eye-opening relationship and had joined match.com. He was my daily match. I was drawn to him, but still too shy to be the one to click message. My college friend and I were talking about the guys I had been on dates with and if any of them clicked. As soon as I mentioned Moose and how I hadn't yet messaged him, she was the one to argue with me and convince me to finally message him, even though he was dressed to the nines in his profile picture and I was convinced out of my league. It was post Halloween and I had just gained a large confidence boost from my chosen costume, so between Sylvianne's nagging and my emotional confidence buffer, I figured it was worth a shot. (Wasn't always big on just walking up and talking to people. That's my dad's specialty and I'm too much of my mother and would rather quietly observe.)

    Anyway, he responded almost immediately and we sent a few messages back and forth. We definitely had a strong connection from the start. Then he said he wanted to take me on a date, and I agreed. The day of (sunday), he pulls up in this little red miata (really tiny 2 seat convertible) and I almost lost it in hysterics over what I definitely did not expect from his personality. I held it together though. We went bowling, then to eat, then to a nearby park, where we walked and talked. At the end, we sat down on this bench near the pond and discussed anything and everything. We shared our first kiss there. After then I knew I was hooked. We danced in the parking lot of the park to songs playing off my phone. We stayed out til 2 am dancing and talking. It was Monday morning when he dropped me back at my apartment and I was on cloud nine. He asked me out officially in the cutest and most geeky way imaginable.
    'You know there's this status thing on Facebook and...(starts talking really quietly and fast) I was wondering if you might be interested in changing yours.'
    I tortured him and asked for clarification, but he called my bluff and I answered yes.

    Well, that got a little away from me, but there's how we met, and then some.
    Melk73, Floorfne, _Devuu__ and 6 others like this.
  3. That's awesome. :D
    MoreMoople likes this.
  4. Favorite flavor kool aid
  5. Grape. No contest.
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  6. (2nd post on here lol)

    whats your Least favorite food? oh and least favorite pizza topping
  7. Cubs or Cardinals?
  8. most favorite pizza topping
  9. When and what will the Red, Green, Rainbow, and Indigo (or maybe it's Violet, whichever purple one isn't out yet) be released for?
  10. Pickles or mustard. Though mustard I guess is a condiment.
    Pickles. They put them on pizza now. Moose loves it.
    MoreMoople likes this.
  11. Cubs
  12. Pineapple
  13. Already answered in a previous player's inquiry.
  14. Not you too. ;-;
  15. Oh yes. =D though I don't get to order my Hawaiian pizza very often. I've been going with supreme. (Eats her pizza while typing this on her phone)
  16. >.<
  17. Haha, pineapples are so loved. (Especially on pizza)
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  18. Pineapples on pizza?
    Do you like penguins?

    EDIT: TBH didn't read the already answered posts
  19. I know this is Ask Krysyy Anything not Ask Pete Anything but pineapple on a pizza is a mortal sin and perpetrators should be stoned
  20. Pineapple on pizza is yum.

    I should think of a question too... not sure what yet though. :p
    607 and Jelle68 like this.