A Minecraft Movie

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by 607, Sep 4, 2024.


Are you excited for A Minecraft Movie?

This poll will close on Jun 4, 2025 at 11:26 AM.
Yes. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
No. 13 vote(s) 100.0%
  1. See now that is more believable since everything is as it would be in game for the most part. I don't hate the non-human parts of the official trailer. Kind of looked to me like those other Minecraft games (the name escapes me and only played for like 2 minutes lol).

    I'm sure it would cost them so much more to remove the humans. Might be too late to save it.

    Am I excited for a MC movie: 100%!
    Am I excited for this one: Not totally.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  2. The good Minecraft Movie. The CGI isn't trying so hard to be something it's not and I can actually look at the animals without any type of revulsion. Still didn't ask for the movie and it shouldn't exist, but at least the visuals looks much more on-brand for Minecraft. Plus not live action, already off to a better start than the one from Warner Brothers.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  3. My question is how are the Piglins not turning into Zombified Piglins? They can't stay out of the Nether too long before they zombi-fy. Wonder if that's gonna be a plot point or just forgotten about lol
    ThaKloned and Tuqueque like this.
  4. I'm trying to figure out what audience it was made for? Just from the teaser trailer I feel like it's maybe not for dedicated Minecraft fans, but more something parents/caregivers would take kids to - but what do others think?
    607 likes this.
  5. Mumbo Jumbo, has done a Vlog discussing his experience visiting the movie set and giving a review of some of the scenes. He gives a positive review and his reward from WB is that they have ceased the YT revenue he would normally get for this Vlog. Nice well done WB

    Anyway here is the video

    Tuqueque and 607 like this.
  6. From the teaser trailer, I get the idea that it's mostly aimed at adults. Someone cusses, it's a live-action/animation hybrid (rather than just animation) and the tone seems to be very tongue-in-cheek, like Barbie. So in that case it could be dedicated Minecraft fans, but it could also be people who played Minecraft as a kid and don't necessarily play it too much anymore, but are nostalgic for it. Remember that most of those who played Minecraft as a kid are now in their 20's (right?).
  7. I get exactly the opposite.
    For me it's for kids too young to have really played much, and the stuff you mention is to entertain the bare minimum those that have to take the kids to the cinema
    SoulPunisher and 607 like this.
  8. What are you referring to here?

    I have the mouth of a sailor so I might just be desensitised to it but I’ve watched the trailer and genuinely have no idea at what point someone swears :p

    Either way this is definitely a children’s adventure movie. They have absolutely no intention of getting 20 year olds to come and watch it lol

    And you know what, I’d kind of rather they do that than whatever they did with the FNAF movie. “Yeah let’s adapt a horror game whose fanbase are now in their 20s into a movie, we’ll keep the incredibly dark subject matter and also put a Saw-style trap in the beginning of the movie, but we’ll also make it a bit more cutesy and market it as if the target audience are still 11 years old!!”

    A simple Jumanji-style romp through a Minecraft world aimed at 6-11 year olds is probably the best direction to go with it. If you make a good kid’s movie I’m sure the 20 year olds going to see it as nostalgia bait will like it anyway, you don’t need to try to appeal to them. Kinda like how The LEGO Movie and the Super Mario Bros. movie did it (not that this movie looks as good as either of those).
  9. At 0:22 the lady says "What the hell?". It's not one of the worst uses of 'language' (such a stupid term) in American books, but it still feels out of place in a kids' film.

    I think Fred and you might be right, and it is aimed at kids. It's not as clearly aimed at kids as The Super Mario Bros. Movie, but it's definitely very different from Barbie, where it was immediately clear that kids were not the target audience.

    At any rate, I don't think I'm part of the target audience. :p I don't intend to go see it either. I'll probably give the soundtrack a listen on Spotify—with the trend in the past couple of years I'm quite sure it will not release on CD, at least not on a big label (maybe some gaming related label, like happened with The Super Mario Bros. Movie).
  10. personally, I got exactly those Super Mario vibes from this.
    Not last, Jack Black being there.