Last activity:
Mar 13, 2025 at 12:42 AM
May 30, 2012
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Arkansas, United States
Undergraduate Student

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Bronze Forum Member
, Male, from Arkansas, United States

I had the best weekend ever and gained a girlfriend in the process! Feb 24, 2025

ultipig was last seen:
Mar 13, 2025 at 12:42 AM
    1. ultipig
      11 years
      1. View previous comments...
      2. We3_MPO
        May 29, 2023
      3. FadedMartian
        wow such a big boi
        May 29, 2023
      4. Fred_TWK
        congrats :D
        May 29, 2023
    2. FadedMartian
      oinky needs to purchase his PHX plane ticket ✈️🐷
      1. We3_MPO and UltiPig like this.
      2. ultipig
        i can’t buy a ticket two years in advance
        May 18, 2023
    3. FadedMartian
      1. UltiPig likes this.
      2. ultipig
        turbo mode
        Apr 13, 2023
      3. FadedMartian
        nooo silly, its a oink rocket
        Apr 13, 2023
      4. FadedMartian
        or a piggy fart
        Apr 13, 2023
    4. ultipig
      4,000 vote bonus!
      1. luckycordel
        Keep it up! :)
        Apr 7, 2023
    5. ultipig
      Ice cream should never leave the recent status updates
      1. We3_MPO and Nickblockmaster like this.
      2. We3_MPO
        It did. I'm bringing it back, though!
        Apr 8, 2023
    6. ultipig
      Peanut butter and jelly ice cream
      1. Nickblockmaster
        Why would you do this? Just... No! No, no, no, do not want! Ewwww -.-
        Mar 20, 2023
      2. triphora
        Peanut butter jelly time!
        Mar 20, 2023
      3. ultipig
        Nick… it’s good. How is it gross? It’s probably the best ice cream I’ve ever eaten.
        Mar 21, 2023
    7. ultipig
      pistachio ice cream
      1. Nickblockmaster likes this.
      2. FadedMartian
        Mar 8, 2023
      3. Nickblockmaster
        They don’t call it the best flavor of ice cream for nothing
        Mar 8, 2023
    8. ultipig
      I’ve had seasonal allergies since mid-February, and the trees have been blooming since then. I’ve never seen anything bloom before Spring Break, so something’s wrong.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nickblockmaster
        It’s cosmic radiation but if you think Martians are responsible, that’s fine too.
        Feb 28, 2023
      3. FadedMartian
        loool marty is the meme master M.M.M
        Feb 28, 2023
      4. We3_MPO
        We had our daffodils bloom in late January and normally have them bloom in mid February. But yes, our maple trees bloomed in mid February rather than early March.
        Feb 28, 2023
    9. ultipig
      chocolate chip ice cream is good (to bring ice cream back to the status list)
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    10. Trwe
      weee wooo wwweee wooo
      1. ultipig
        Feb 17, 2023
    11. ultipig
      The SMP8 [redacted] is being rebuilt at [redacted]!!
      1. ultipig
        knew what? you can easily find everything about my gold farm on the forums
        Jan 25, 2023
    12. ultipig
      oink oink
      1. Vortixin
        🔪🐷🍽️ = 🥓
        Jan 18, 2023
      2. Vortixin
        Oo wait nvm I’m vegetarian
        Jan 18, 2023
      3. ultipig
        ^ lol
        Jan 18, 2023
    13. FadedMartian
      ( ఠൠఠ )
      1. Tuqueque, We3_MPO and UltiPig like this.
    14. FadedMartian
      ₍՞ • 🐽 • ՞₎
      1. Tuqueque, We3_MPO and UltiPig like this.
    15. FadedMartian
      1. Tuqueque, We3_MPO and UltiPig like this.
      2. Faithcaster
        Jan 17, 2023
    16. FadedMartian
      1. Tuqueque, We3_MPO and UltiPig like this.
    17. unixbrain
      UltiPig 3000
      1. We3_MPO and UltiPig like this.
      2. ultipig
        Nov 24, 2022
    18. aletrisrex
      seems u are really chill and cool
      1. We3_MPO and UltiPig like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. aletrisrex
        chill like u are mostly netrual and make everyone feel good about u
        Nov 6, 2022
      4. We3_MPO
        I second this! He showed up at the stony peaks biome that I was about to start quarrying when I mentioned it in the chat. He seemed very kind for that.
        Dec 2, 2022
      5. FadedMartian
        agreed piggy is good oinkers
        Feb 28, 2023
    19. Moonblum
      ultipig is awesome.
      1. ultipig
        moonblum is a better username
        Oct 10, 2022
      2. Moonblum
        i might change my alt's username to moonblum
        Oct 11, 2022
      3. ultipig
        Oct 14, 2022
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  • About

    Arkansas, United States
    Undergraduate Student
    Post "9H73-39wG" on my profile to get a free iron voters pickaxe
    LDCattleLady won! ^

    Post "6767" on my profile for a free iron voters shovel! This was posted on October 13th, 2020.
    Ben3400 claimed this the next day.


    I got this from the Contribution Team Members wiki page, but I also added some stuff to it.

    I joined EMC on May 29th, 2012, and I was on the Contribution Team from August 5th, 2014 to January 29th, 2017 (I have plans to rejoin). I looked at this server before I bought Minecraft... I found it in a list and wanted to choose a server that wasn't the most popular.

    What do you like to do IRL? (Updated in July 2021) I work A LOT -- 70 hours a week. My job involves helping others and I enjoy it (there is no repetition). In my free time, I play Minecraft, work on my YouTube channel, invest in stocks, etc. My social life is currently digital and asynchronous due to how often I work... however, I'm learning to day trade and will have a very relaxed lifestyle with lots of free time if that works.
    Favorite animal and why: Pigs... I have a pig skin on Minecraft — I just like them.
    Favorite website: empireminecraft.com
    Favorite thing about EMC: The friendly and welcoming community
    Favorite color and why: Green because plants are green (and some frogs)
    Favorite Minecraft feature: "Gravity" -MrGraywolf
    Favorite Minecraft block: Note block
    If you were a mob in Minecraft, what would you be and what would you do? I would be a pig and I think I already am cause of my skin. heheheheh
    Favorite music: I like older music (America, Bread, Alice in Chains, Metallica, Bad Company, etc.) and classical music (Mozart, Beethoven, Mussorgsky, Brahms, Erik Satie, Fryderyk Chopin, Franz Liszt, and many more).
    Pets? My household has two cats, a dog, and a parrot.
    If you had to lose one sense, what would it be? Taste... a huge portion of "taste" is smell, so it would just be a slight downgrade.
    Favorite cookie: Oatmeal
    Favorite quote: Philippians 4:13: "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
    If you could meet one person, who would it be? I'd meet Elon Musk because he is an excellent engineer, businessman, entrepreneur, and innovator. wafflecoffee said this aged well, but I don't know what that means.