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Jan 7, 2025
Apr 20, 2016
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Everywhere and...Nowhere
Being a college student

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Dedicated Member, Male, from Everywhere and...Nowhere

Officially been 8 years! Apr 30, 2024

belac555 was last seen:
Jan 7, 2025
    1. belac555
      I love being back!
      1. Stnywitness
        YAY! So glad you're back, bro!
        Oct 15, 2019
    2. belac555
      Official Anouncement: The whole private school thing sucked terribly and I made it just over 1.5 months before dropping out for academic reasons.(No It wasn't me) Now that I am homeschooled again I can return to the EMC forums!
      1. MoreMoople
        Welcome back! I hope being homeschooled again is a lot better for you :)
        Oct 11, 2019
      2. belac555
        always especially in high school
        Oct 11, 2019
      3. Nickblockmaster
        Welcome back! I hope the adjustment is just what you needed, as long as it gets you in the direction you want to go.
        Oct 13, 2019
    3. belac555
      Hello everyone!
      1. Stnywitness and MoreMoople like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Heya Belac! How've you been? :)
        Oct 11, 2019
      3. belac555
        pretty good trying to stage a comeback to forums
        Oct 11, 2019
      4. Nickblockmaster
        Hey buddy, c’mon back to the forums. There will always be a spot left open for ya!
        Oct 13, 2019
    4. belac555
      Attention everyone I will be starting a new private school and will officially be quitting EMC i just do not have enough time for it anymore i will be on once a month to say high and talk but other than that not gonna be on that much you can reach me on discord at Belac555#4428
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Otus_NigRum
        See ya man! Have fun!
        Jul 27, 2019
      3. Gaming_Comander
        Good luck in life pal! We'll miss you
        Jul 27, 2019
      4. Stnywitness
        Sounds fun! You will be missed, thats for sure!
        Sep 23, 2019
    5. belac555
      I'll be off emc for a bit taking a sabbatical from all games may be on discord but not often i'll be back for a week starting the 5th and after the 12th i'll be gone for over a month
      1. 607
        Will you send me moves for the text adventure or will you miss out on it? :)
        Jun 30, 2019
      2. belac555
        i'm getting my moves together
        Jun 30, 2019
    6. belac555
      Did Vespers at summer camp and i realized today what made me cry so much wasn't all the Ceremony it was the realization of all that had changed with my life and camp since i had been there last year and how much will change before i'm back at camp again next year and yes, i cried
      1. 607 and Jaqque_r0x like this.
      2. belac555
        Just seeing how happy everyone was made me realize i'd stay here year round if i could
        i cant but it was still saddening to see all of my new friends leave and go home i think next year instead of going for one i'll go for 2-3
        Jun 28, 2019
      3. Kaddrii
        I hope you feel better <3 I feel the same all the time
        Jun 28, 2019
    7. belac555
      Quotes With Belac555 Love is only as great as it is because of all the failures that come before it all the hurt and anger love is so great because of the realization this person really loves me and will never hurt me if we got love first try it wouldnt mean anything at all ever
    8. belac555
      I'll DO YOU one better When is Squid
      1. Jaqque_r0x and Burki like this.
      2. Gaming_Comander
        You probably didn't read my status
        Jun 26, 2019
    9. Warlord678
      hey dude
      are you still in nn
    10. belac555
      Just watched Avengers:Endgame and the saddest thing wasn't anything in the movie it was the realization that its over
    11. Stnywitness
      What up, bro! Long time no talk/see. hows it goin?
      1. belac555 likes this.
      2. belac555
        pretty good was busy for a while hbu?
        May 20, 2019
      3. Stnywitness
        Same :D Doing good!
        May 20, 2019
    12. belac555
      I suggest everyone wanting a friendly active outpost go join Regno Empire.
      1. Jaqque_r0x likes this.
    13. belac555
      Anybody got any tips to help get me back on track with girls i'm just lost i don't know what to say or do anymore it's maddening
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Otus_NigRum
        You don't need to be with girls to be happy. Considering your heartbreak is a lot, wait a year or so to refresh everything, getting into a relationship right after your just broke up is not good.
        Apr 30, 2019
      3. luckycordel
        Be Yourself! Don't rush into it. Make sure your happy first.
        Apr 30, 2019
      4. blackManLover13
        There's this hilarious friend group in my school which is also a threesome, so basically there're 2 boys and 1 girl and they all date each other xD
        Apr 30, 2019
    14. belac555
      wow at prom my exes best friend told me she dumped me for someone else i feel so hurt that my ex herself could not tell me
    15. belac555
      I'm so hurt and angry and i have been lied too and dumped and treated like a fool and i'm just so broken inside i may never be comepletly back to normal
      1. Jaqque_r0x likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. levyhalmen
        All I know of that is this: Jesus always initiated on giving love to others. Some fought it. One became a trusted friend whom later betrayed him (to Jesus's death).
        Jun 9, 2019
      4. levyhalmen
        However, to those who returned that love (because to love someone is a choice and they can decide not to at any time) and put in the time to build a relationship with him, they were able to do amazing and great acts because of their love of and trust in God.
        Jun 9, 2019
      5. levyhalmen
        Summarized, the pain is awful. Wounds need healing, but if you are wanting to pursue relationships again, remember to love first but to never have an expectation for them to have to love back. Give them the option. If it fails, grieve, then get back at it.
        Jun 9, 2019
    16. Kaddrii
      Congrats on Elite Member and 3 years! I'm sorry about your girlfriend and doggo I hope you feel better soon mate :( I know you might feel overwhelmed, but I am SO OPEN to talk to you about anything if needed -I hope we can start talking again soon :) (haha I came here to say thanks for the follow :P)
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
      2. Kaddrii
        I swear, something good will happen to you soon, just keep your hopes up! Have a nice evening :)
        Apr 23, 2019
    17. belac555
      Rest in peace Saura Massengill 2018-2019 you will be misses forever my furry friend
      1. Jaqque_r0x likes this.
    18. belac555
      That Heart Breaking feeling when u get dumped over the phone:((((
      1. Jaqque_r0x, Agennt and ItsMeWolffpack like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. SoulPunisher
        If she dumps you over the phone, she wasn't worth it. It sucks and it'll suck for a while, but there's better out there for you. I promise. Keep your head held high. - someone who got dumped over the phone by my first too, six years ago, and found someone I utterly adore three years ago.
        Apr 21, 2019
      4. Gaming_Comander
        First timer is see, it's alright mate. Like Alt said, she wasn't worth it. It's gonna sting for a bit, but you can climb back up. I know you can
        Apr 21, 2019
      5. Gaming_Comander
        Apr 21, 2019
    19. belac555
      AWWWW yeah got that elite member!!!
      1. Stnywitness and MoreMoople like this.
    20. belac555
      today marks 3 years on forums wow
      1. Foxy_Kitty and MoreMoople like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Congratulations! =)
        Apr 20, 2019
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    Everywhere and...Nowhere
    Being a college student
    Hi i am belac555 i live in the US and i love rock climbing if you have any questions about the game or need help feel free to shoot me a PM and ask