Apr 19, 2015
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smp6 or the U.S.A. - Tennessee

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Distinguished Member, Male, from smp6 or the U.S.A. - Tennessee

I'm no longer going to be active on this account on forums in any way, as I have opened my other account's profile page up to views. I'll be posting all future statuses there for that reason, as my important convos are all on that account. If you want to PM me, please PM We3_MPO. Jan 5, 2018

    1. We3_10AC
      I'm no longer going to be active on this account on forums in any way, as I have opened my other account's profile page up to views. I'll be posting all future statuses there for that reason, as my important convos are all on that account. If you want to PM me, please PM We3_MPO.
      1. Sydney4363, MoreMoople and ToddV like this.
      2. We3_10AC
        I'm not deleting this account on forums, however, as it may still become handy in the future for some reason.
        Jan 5, 2018
    2. 607
      I think it's a bit of a shame that your other account's profile page isn't accessible. I'd like to follow you, but this account doesn't post most of the posts I like to see.
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
      2. We3_MPO
        Not the first such request I've had. But I opened it up.
        Jan 4, 2018
      3. 607
        That was a surprise outcome! :)
        Jan 4, 2018
    3. We3_10AC
      It's my 3rd anniversary on EMC!
    4. We3_10AC
      It's snowing at my house again, and the forecast didn't even predict that!
    5. We3_10AC
      Happy New Year!
    6. We3_10AC
      "Let this be a warning to the others still out there: trolling, bullying, and overall having a bad attitude towards others is NOT tolerated on EMC. If anyone wishes to speak with me, please message me at pmcm.emc.gs." -Krysyy
    7. We3_10AC
    8. We3_10AC
      Merry Christmas! And for those of you who are travelling and/or in the snow, stay safe!
      1. MoreMoople and 607 like this.
    9. We3_10AC
      Merry Christmas Eve! Hope you all have a good one!
    10. We3_10AC
      "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." -Yoda
      1. We3_10AC
        Also, I saw Star Wars: The Last Jedi today. If you want to talk to me about it, please PM We3_MPO (my alt) so I don't miss the message and to not spoil the movie publicly.
        Dec 23, 2017
    11. We3_10AC
      Where has the year gone?! I can't believe it's already the Winter solstice!
      1. RainbowPony likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. We3_10AC
        That's why people traditionally defined the seasons as beginning in their equinox or solstice, and why modern meteorologists define meteorological Winter as the coldest 3 months, meteorological Summer as the hottest 3, and meteorological Spring/Autumn as the corresponding gaps.

        The one exception to those definitions is in tropical climates and South(east) Asia.
        Dec 21, 2017
      4. We3_10AC
        TLDR: Winter should be NDJ, Spring FMA, Summer MJJ, and Autumn ASO. However, people traditionally went/go by Winter JFM, Spring AMJ, Summer JAS, and Autumn OND. Weather people go by Winter DJF, Spring MAM, Summer JJA, and Autumn SON.

        (If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, months stay the same but seasons are changed to opposites.)
        Dec 21, 2017
      5. We3_MPO
        For those of you who want to get even more info and/or debate, I made a thread (Miscellaneous forum section) for that very recently.

        For those of you who don't know, which most of you probably do, I'm We3_10AC's public alt who is way more active on forums. But I use my main to post statuses and my main is older on EMC.
        Dec 21, 2017
    12. We3_10AC
      Congrats EMC on 500k members! Also, special congrats to FrozenBricks for being the 500,000th member!
    13. We3_10AC
      How do you post a link that actually works on someone's profile?
      1. TomvanWijnen
        Dec 15, 2017
      2. We3_MPO
        Let me test this out without using the feature you have to use on threads and in PMs: www.google.com
        Dec 15, 2017
      3. We3_MPO
        And it worked. Thank you so much Tom!
        Dec 15, 2017
    14. We3_10AC
      1. We3_MPO
        On an additional note, I'm glad Alabama elected a pro-equality candidate like New Jersey, North Carolina, and Virginia already did. It was a close race, and if Roy Moore got that extra 2% instead, the result would have been very bad.
        Dec 14, 2017
    15. We3_10AC
      In regards to some things that have happened in the past few days; I am really sorry if I upset you. I never tried to hurt anyone's feelings; in fact, I tried to do the opposite in various ways. I am however extremely disappointed in the amount of drama there was, and (continued)
      1. Tbird1128, 607 and RainbowPony like this.
      2. We3_10AC
        I do still wish the EMC community would be more accepting. But thanks to those of you who also tried to (sadly, unsuccessfully) stop the drama and or show your support. Hopefully things get better in the near future.
        Dec 11, 2017
      3. We3_10AC
        Also, I'm sorry if I have minor grammatical issues in this status, but my kindle uses autocorrect unlike my PC, and that actually makes things worse sometimes.
        Dec 11, 2017
      4. Tbird1128
        You tried to be supportive and that's what we are supposed to do and I applaud you for that. Sadly, there will always be bullies and we have to deal with it the best we can. Either they have no self respect or their parents were bullies and that's what they learned at home. Thank you for being you and trying your best to help a friend out.
        Dec 11, 2017
    16. We3_10AC
      Why are some people so mean to some other people? Discriminatory behavior is something that others have said has been really common and hostile towards them (I actually witnessed one instance of such behavior in town chat in August), and I'm worried because... (continued)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. OhMiku
        @pecu @sean
        Dec 9, 2017
      3. 607
        Take care.
        It's frustrating sometimes, but you can't always get people to listen to what you think would clearly be good.
        Dec 9, 2017
      4. Jay2a
        It's just human nature unfortunately. And no matter what, not everybody's gonna agree with other people's opinions. I've unfortunately been desensitized to a point where when I see rudeness I just consider it the norm. I still go out of my way to be nice to others, but I'm not surprised when people are rude to me or anyone else
        Dec 9, 2017
    17. We3_10AC
      Condolences to the friends, family, and teachers of the victims at the Aztec High School shooting in New Mexico. When will all this terrorism be enough? ;-;
      1. MoreMoople likes this.
    18. We3_10AC
      Allergies suck, especially when you're dealing with them for years at a time, including in January and July (the two months where you'd usually be the least prone to them). At least Autumn (my least favorite season) is over!
    19. We3_10AC
      Why do we keep sending radio signals out to see whether any of the many potentially habitable worlds out there have intelligent aliens? What if they're (if they even exist at all) just like cavemen, deep-sea life, Antarctic life, etc?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. We3_MPO
        Additionally, any life that does exist in certain habitable worlds (if it does), such as ice worlds' subsurface oceans, may never be able to evolve into complex life due to the only source of energy being volcanic vents. The same could also be true on habitable desert planets due to much lower global water supplies.
        Dec 6, 2017
      3. synth_apparition
        Honestly i'd die happy if we found life underneath the ice on Europa like we think there is, even if it's just microbial. That's proof enough for me that we're not alone.
        Dec 7, 2017
      4. We3_MPO
        I agree. It hasn't been confirmed, but it's very possible.
        Dec 9, 2017
    20. We3_10AC
      Just posted a thread (on my other account, of course) thanking EMC and its community for everything. :) ;-;
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 607
        Ah, I get it.
        Dec 3, 2017
      3. 607
        Not to say I under_stand_ it, but now I know what you're doing, at least. :P
        Dec 3, 2017
      4. We3_MPO
        That's the main thing. And I'm probably neither the first one to do that nor the only one doing it right now.
        Dec 3, 2017
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  • Signature

    I am formerly We3Mosses, We3nub, WE3NUB, We3_Nub_

    Wild base thread: emc.gs/t/63120/


    smp6 or the U.S.A. - Tennessee
    Hello, fellow EMC players. The below info shows everything you need to know about me.

    I am a founder of the Minecraft Paradise Outpost on SMP6. That is where I spend most of my time on EMC. We mainly specialize in building, but we also try to make our transportation systems better than you'd find most other places and have farms to obtain various items. We have a very organized democracy. If you would like to join, PM me. Make sure you check often for an application, but keep in mind that it may be a while and that you're not guaranteed to get accepted.

    I have various hobbies in real life, as well. They include roads, crafting, partying, watersheds, studying maps, and 4wheeling. I even live on a 170+ acre farm where we have 4wheeling trails and some creeks and springs. The property owners, my parents, and I enjoy what we have, and we always try to think about what we can do to improve even more. :cool:

    I have two Jack Russell Terriers, which are sisters from the same litter. They are so smart and the best dogs ever! One of them has truly stolen my heart. They get along very well too, and know a younger, bigger Border Collie mix that lives with my grandmother nearby. He is very playful. :eek:

    I do play other games, too. They include, but aren't limited to, SimCity 2013 and Cities:Skylines. I have the "cities of tomorrow" expansion pack for SimCity. I also play Far Cry 3 and Portal 2, but not as often. The only multiplayer server on a game I currently play on is EMC, because most others seem like they're not interesting, too small, or not good servers for my kind of person. :oops:

    I am also a person on the autism spectrum. I was diagnosed when I was only two, and am very lucky compared to most autistic people. I would like to tell you all, as someone living with it, that it can be hard, but isn't always extreme. If you would like to know more about Autism, there is a documentary called Autism in Love. I recommend it, because the words are from 4 people living with it and their families. Coincidentally, April 2nd is both my mother's birthday and Autism Awareness Day. If you are in the People With Disabilities category too, or just want to talk, feel free to PM me. No rude comments please!