let's talk about skyrim!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by batmegh, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Compare that to Morrowind's dice-roll "Whiff, whiff, whiff, YAY I HIT A RAT!" and Skyrim looks brilliant in comparison. I'll never claim it to be perfect, but it's more satisfying in a lot of ways.
    (The dumbing-down of weapon and spell variety are obviously not one of those ways)
    Gawadrolt and battmeghs like this.
  2. snow_freak, ww2fan168 and 607 like this.
  3. That gif is addicting.
    Kephras and FDNY21 like this.
  4. I had a friend thats done it 100 times... he's a true no life and I can say that because he doesn't play EMC. :p
  5. Gawadrolt, snow_freak, 607 and 3 others like this.
  6. Gif attacks tho... but yes he moved away :)
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  7. why yes... in morrowind you're half dead, heat of the moment need to kill this thing attacking you and you... just... keep... missing. even though you're AIMING right at them... its like WOULD YOU PLEASE HIT THIS THING NOW!

    ... i almost died because a rat was attacking me and i just couldn't hit the stupid thing.. like really? i'm aiming right at it, *miss* *miss* *miss* *smack* *miss**miss*
    Kephras likes this.
  8. Brand new graphics card all hooked up and purring beautifully. Aww yisss.

    Now... where did I leave off?
  9. I love the game, and I used to love creating characters both unique and quite generic, but I just can't get past the beginning thought about mods but to get back to vanilla I'd have to get another launcher.
    ww2fan168 likes this.
  10. after being on vacation for a month and not having my pc... it feels so good to play skyrim. xD
  11. ww2fan168 and battmeghs like this.
  12. I find that statement quite rude :confused: I was just discussing my time I actually played Skyrim.
  13. Could've been phrased better, perhaps.
    Beating the game over-and-over doesn't make for compelling discussion though. Was it the same character type, or did you use different spells / weapons? Challenge yourself or handicap your character in some way? Or was it a bland litany of curb-stomping with maxed 2h skill and stupidly OP-enchanted armor?
    Use any mods, or are you one of those poor saps stuck on console?
    Details man!
    1. It wasn't the same character type for most
    2. Same weapons
    3. Don't Know
    4. Very OP armor
    5. Console
  14. No wonder you got bored. Elder Scrolls games on a console... *shudder* Why do people do that? :confused:
    Even without mods though, you'll find the game is a lot more interesting if you try to keep to the "roleplaying" aspect of the RPG. Challenge yourself to only use daggers and stealth-kills, for instance. (Wear no armor and run if you get spotted!) Give your character a reason and a motivation to be in Skyrim. Avoid the main quest, go to Riften, Winterhold, or Markarth instead of Whiterun.
    There are ways to make the game more interesting, though they take a certain amount of willpower to stick to.
  15. It got to the point, for me, I started to murdered citizens and continued on to pillage some more, but thats just my little weird self.
  16. I played Oblivion on the 360 when it first came out, of course I was 9 then... Still I got it for PC and have never turned back.
  17. i just purchased a used 360 skyrim game for my son, since he's always sitting on my lap and watching me play on my pc.. i thought he'd enjoy being able to play himself..

    ... he's just found the fire destruction spell... look out skyrim, i've unleashed a beast
    ShelLuser, Kephras and TigerstarMC like this.
  18. lol
    battmeghs likes this.
  19. I love playing Skyrim, although i haven't gone thru all the dlc yet since i just spend a lot of time doing all the quests in all the classes i create.