[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Sebia accepts Bakaara, however restructured ISOM, from a partnership to a group led by Sebia. This is to protect the interests of its members.
  2. Bakaara United starts an organization called the FHS. (Free Healthcare Society) What this organization does is that it provides healthcare to the citizens of Bakaara United and other countries that join this organization for free at the expense of the government. (Don't worry, it is a minuscule amount of money they eat up) [ 3 posts ]

    Bakaara United starts building:
    1,500 fighter jets [ 5 posts ]
    10 aircraft carriers [ 7 posts ]
    2,000,000 guns [ 3 posts ]
    10,000,000 bullets [ 5 posts ]
    2,500 drones strapped with tasers [ 4 posts ]

    Bakaara United starts recruiting:
    1,000,000 soldiers [ 2 posts ]
    100,000 pilots [ 4 posts ]
    5,000 captains [ 3 posts ]
    10,000 spies [ 5 posts ]

    Bakaara United uses its GPS technology to scan for the terrorists that have been waging war against other nations. [ 1 post ] As the terrorist group has yet to attack the USSR, we suspect that the USSR might have a relationship with the terrorists, however, no solid evidence has been found.

    Bakaara United demands that no spies be sent in their nation. They have stated that they have anti-spy spies stationed in both of their countries / islands in vast amounts and that they are armed to the teeth. All enemy spies found will be thrown into jail.

    Bakaara United sends a 100 loaves of garlic bread to every country's
    prime minister / king / ruler / president / you know what I mean.
  3. Sebia would like to join the FHS, although we do currently have free healthcare in Sebia anyway.

    When did you make drones? And how are you gonna make 2 million of them? And when did you make GPS technology?
  4. I researched drones the last time I did research. =P And I have about roughly... 2 - 2.5 million citizens in factories working? And to clarify, the building of stuff are not going on at the same time. Maybe 2 - 3 are being done right now, but not all of them.

    I researched GPS technology around the same time you did.

    And yes, you can join the FHS. ( Join within the next 20 posts and receive 1 free loaf of garlic bread )
  5. I hope you realise a most of those numbers are ridiculous. Especially, the fighter jet and drone numbers. The cost of building 150,000 fighter jets is going to be $24,750,000,000,000,000 (that's 24.75 quadrillion) in today's prices and I doubt any country in this game could afford that.

    Also, for interest, the cost of 1,000 aircraft carriers in todays prices is $15,000,000,000,000(15 trillion) and the cost of 2,000,000 drones in todays prices is $3,380,000,000,000,000 (3.38 quadrillion). I think you need to scale some of those numbers down.

    EDIT: Having realised that the game year is later than I thought, a more accurate price for the 150,000 fighter jets is $50.55 quadrillion.
  6. Oops, thanks for pointing that out. I meant to write 15,000 fighter jets. =P And yes, I'll tone the rest of the numbers down. And I guess 15,000 is still too much for the fighter jets..
  7. Also, found out that you never developed GPS. You offered me them steroids for it but I never accepted. The thing you do have are some scanners attached to planes.
  8. Technically they would have.
    Emigrating scientists and that sort.
    "Attention. We have hijacked the Soviet government. Mikhail Gorbachev is in internal exile in the Crimea. Long live Stalinism!"
  10. You must say what you're developing. They haven't developed GPS. They have developed a low level scanning device.
  11. The Soviet Union unveils our latest project:

    A manned mission to orbit Venus. Along with it is a non-manned mission.

    The flight, reusing old Soviet rockets, will have 3 humans on board, as well as a cat, as a reproduction of the original space missions of the U.S.S.R.

    In addition, it turns out the broadcast was a fake and the Terrorist was mowed down just after making the message.

    This will initiate in 2 posts.

    The same is done for Mars. We believe our technology is sufficient.

    In 1 post, we are launching another manned Moon mission, this time to plant the red flag.
  12. Development for more infrastructure is started.

    The mission to the moon has landed, and has pulled out the NK flag, now torn to shreds, and in its place, it is replaced by a red flag.
  13. Sebia requests the USSR replace the flag immediately.

    Also; you're not going to Venus or Mars on old rockets.

    EDIT: I'm not even sure if your (and this) post should count towards your plans. Yours is basically spam anyway.
  14. How is my post spam?

    It has been hours and I had planned to create infrastructure.


    They still use the Soyuz.
  15. Yeah. No. You're not having a manned mission to Mars or Venus. Its 2006.
    RyugaXI and nfell2009 like this.
  16. Okay, just to check whether my numbers are realistic, here is what I currently have:
    2.5 million soldiers all armed with guns
    2,500 armed spies
    10,000 fighter jets
    22,500 pilots
    100 aircraft carriers
    190 captains
    2,000 drones
  17. Well, wait till 2014. Then you can send people to Mars, only problem is that they can't come back.
    • Drones have been deployed in both of Bakaara United's islands to increase the efficiency of the police force. They are controlled by the police. There are about a 1,000 drones deployed and in active use in each island. Crime is nearly eradicated overnight.
    • The BLS starts researching technology that can scan enemy positions up to the centimetre. [ 4 posts ]
  18. There's a 2 year rule thing I came up with, and since people aren't going to Mars on a death mission until the late 2020s/early 2030s, people aren't going to those planets any time soon in NN2.
  19. Just to clarify, I sent an orbiter to Mars a few years back. Not manned, of course; I just haven't released the details(I'll send that data to Sebia soon, promise.:oops:).