[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Sebia has abolished Human Rights.
  2. We ask them to reinstate them.
    607 likes this.
  3. Sebia declines.
  4. We give Sebia an ultimatum:
    Reinstate Human Rights, or we blockade Sebian trade, and impose sanctions.

    In addition, the nation has strangely abandoned all space programs that were "mad".

    The flag will not be replaced. We will also set up a camp, that will stay there until 2015, with materials and supplies being sent up every 3 months.

    Our economy continues to grow and grow with our strong industrial might of Leningrad, Kiev, and the newly founded city of Luxemgrad in Germany. Luxemgrad was only established in the year 2000 to celebrate the millennium, but has grown massively, thanks to immigrants from the north and elsewhere. Korea and Japan are also contributing massively.

    We offer NK a deal: We wish to buy Denmark.

    In addition, Korea is being reformed from the anarchic days of the Asian union with Japan. These days, it is a bustling hub for technology, side by side with Japan.
  5. Few things:
    1) Sebia is by far larger than the USSR. Placing sanctions on us will do nothing.
    1a) We would like to remind the USSR that they're not a global superpower. Sebia is.
    1b) Sebia has stopped all trade with the USSR and removed itself from any trade pact we are in.
    2) We removed ourselves from the space programme with the USSR a while ago when the Pacific Alliance Space Programme was formed (it's something like that, can't remember the exact name)
    • You're not setting up a camp on the moon.
    New Kalmar declines.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  6. A camp is perfectly possible.

    A moonbase was planned in real life as early as the '60s. This is not even a base, just a camp.
    607 and SoulPunisher like this.
  7. 1. We honestly don't care who is larger. The Sebians are suffering numerous threats by terrorists while the Soviet Union is cruising along with only one... which was admittedly quite large, the threat of a complete coup.
    1a. You haven't pulled a 80's America yet Nfell. NK and the Soviet Union are still superpowers.
    1b. We have always been anti-Sebian...
    2. Either way you failed, so did I. NK won.
  8. Sebia officials recently raided a terrorist hideout in Sudan. They have targeted somewhere within the USSR however we're currently able to decrypt their computer systems fully to know where exactly.

    Sebia is actually in a joint space programme with the NK.
  9. Which you haven't used for years and years. You and I still lost out.
  10. Sebia is a huge sponsor of the programme. We're greatly involved with it.
  11. WASWAS Is selling all land, Im quoting thread
  12. Sebia will buy it all.
  13. Deal
    nfell2009 likes this.
  14. With help from The Senco Group, Sebia have began development of a second research lab to be added to the Sebia & New Kalmar space station [8 posts].

    Sebia rejoices as the nation of WASWAS has joined us
  15. eg: Not doing anything with it for the last odd couple of decades?
  16. We don't get directly involved (due to my lack of knowledge on space and stuff), so we have entrusted NK with running the programme.
    607 likes this.
  17. The European Commonwealth would be willing to pay, or trade land, for Iraq - a country it used to own before WASWAS was founded.
  18. After multiple petitions from people within Sebia, we have decided to bring back Human Rights.
    607 likes this.
  19. OOC: Sorry, the thread got unwatched :/

    ALZA declares that we will back the USSR and have placed multiple sanctions on Sebia and NK until they do the following.

    -Get rid of the monarchy
    -Stop oppression
    -Give us some breathing room (for god's sake)