Empire has updated to 1.8!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, May 5, 2015.

  1. Early rise and enjoyed.
  2. It looks like that my own project was beaten by EMC. But, I'll still release it to all of you.
    Yes, the update is hear now, but I can't come to it until later today in the afternoon. For the time being, I shouldn't be worrying about the risen competitions, particularly for sponges. It won't get me anywhere.
    607 likes this.
  3. Yeeees! Thank you, thank you, thank you! :D I will have glory! I shall bounce from great heights, war with evil fish, invade deep monuments, hide behind banners, go on adventures like never before! There are so many possibilities out there to explore! Yes, adventure and combat awaits! Time to go to the wilderness to find some new items to collect and baddies to fight! FISH BLOOD SHALL RAIN FROM THE SKY! I SHALL TRIUMPH OVER THE VERY FORCES OF NATURE THEMSELVES!

    Two seconds later...

  4. Are we able to eggify rabbits?
    cadgamer101 and 607 like this.

    On a more serious point, thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication to the Empire! I hope for many more updates to come! Also, I can finally make my slime block throne. >=D
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  6. *Suggests slime-block boxing gloves that have ultra-knockback for the 1.9 Combat Update* Slime blocks are amazing. I shall bounce with you on your slime block throne for all eternity, caden. :)
    crystaldragon13 and cadenman2002 like this.
  7. Would you like to duel in a bounce-off?
    crystaldragon13 and hashhog3000 like this.
  8. *Stops stop-watch*
    Okay, 9 months later and we're 1.8
  9. Well this is a nice surprise to wake up to.
  10. Yes indeed. But now I must ready for school, do school-related stuff, come back home, do school-related work, and THEN i can fully explore 1.8 on EMC, as I have never played 1.8 yet xD!
    Sponges? Interesting. Trampolines? Are going on my second res.
    Guardians? Shall all die unless you tell me they're eggifiable. Sea lanterns? All mine.
    Banners? Need to go in fishcat's bathroom for towels. Rabbits? Shall face my MEW.
    Enderpearls...? Endermites... Ew. You can have all mine xD
    Hey, do endermites spawn in-town?
  11. Yes
    cadgamer101 and Faithcaster like this.
  12. This might be the longest day of work I've had.... maybe with the exception of yesterday:p. Now it's here and I can't play till 430:(
    does anyone know if theEmpire shop is selling rabbit eggs yet?
  13. Lovin and hatin 1.8 but so glad that it's here. Too many good things not to want it.

    Thanks heaps Aikar for the update and the staff for getting the wastes done so quickly.
  14. The Empire Shop has not been updated. It's on someone's to do list somewhere (not mine). Probably builds team's)
  15. So I have to grab the .22 ando go rabbit hunting myself...sshh! Be vewwy quiet, I'm hunting wwas bits :p
  17. The Empire Shop has never been updated immediately following an update in order to encourage players to find it on their own and not interfere with the natural economic fluctuations of items.
    crystaldragon13, 607 and markethan13 like this.
  18. Great job Aikar and the people who helped him! :D
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  19. Challenge accepted. Show me what ya got, Bouncey-Boy!
    crystaldragon13, 607 and cadenman2002 like this.
  20. Yes!! 1.8 is finally here! Thank you so much Aikar (and all other staff)!:D:)